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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Actually my champs game was the first game I played over there where I wasn't scum read, it was kind of refreshing.
  2. Oh, they have plenty of mind games. Those mind games are "Orange scum slipped, get him!"
  3. To be fair at champs you want to advance. The guy who said JOATs claim did advance.
  4. My champs game, the setup, everyone vanilla in a 15 player game except 2 JOATs. D1 one player is like "optimal strategy is for both Joats to claim and protect eachother to form town core" He also claims JOAT (and was one). A townie fake claims joat. Actual second JOAT flips the hell out and we're in a mess.
  5. Are you first alphabetically, disregarding himself?
  6. You have to admit, top 10 spiciest intros
  7. Okay, I'm more fully awake now, so here's something I want to bring up again while I can hopefully put it together in a cognizant manner. KY galaxy braining that Irish role blocks visitors is really bugging me. (Note, we've established this even if the knife/whatever happened to Shade is seperate. It's not important what happened to Shade for the purposes of this point) Sure it could be a lucky guess, but it could be something more. While I'm annoyed at Shade for going in on me, I don't think he's entirely without a clue, only partially without a clue. If people are in communication, it would have to be KY and Retal. I'm more suspicious of KY for the simple fact that Retal appears to have a legit reason for knowing Irish role blocks people, IE the visit and the ticket. Thus he is the "origin" of the knowledge and it would have to spread from there. While it could be that he's scum and he communicated this fact to scum buddy KY, it could also be that KY, rather than doing noting as he claimed, actually spied on Retal somehow and gained the same information he did. "Doing nothing" is always a dubious claim to make, and yes, I do know full well I myself said I did nothing, but when so many people say it, some are probably true and some are probably false. Granted, KY-Retal could still be a strong pairing, but I hope I explained why I'm more interested in KY first.
  8. This would actually make for an interesting no-vote no-power mafia trying to find who'd be the last man standing, hmmm....
  9. Narcissistic Injury (Passive): Make a wrong assertion. Get Called on it. Whoever calls you on it dies.
  10. For CYOR VII I'm going to be a raging narcissist.
  11. I mean, you don't HAVE to believe me. Hell, I might even be wrong. But if at the end of the game I'm right I want everybody to know it!
  12. Because, like I said, I'm very passionate about rules. And very passionate about stopping galaxy brain theories and I feel they hurt town.
  13. KY claimed to do nothing too, for your chart Irish (I'm pretty sure?) And some others I think, but still getting my caffeine.
  14. I'm awake, people doing stuff while I'm asleep for a change is annoying... but I guess good technically, activity is good. Shade, let me reiterate. By any principle of good GMing, an infectious knife would not ALSO role block you. It would simply go last in the order of operations (well not last last, actual full on NKs would go last). That said, with the number of people not claiming an action, or claiming not have moved, or possibly lying (these things can overlap) an additional actor role blocking you that isn't Irish or the knife is possible. Makes our life figuring out what happened more complicated. I'd actually considered this possibility, but didn't bring it up, because we were too busy flinging shit at each other.
  15. Too bad everyone's getting active again now, cause I'm heading to bed. Seems like late night is active this game.
  16. If we have so many people not doing actions we're all socially distancing pretty well though.
  17. And returning to the jealousy angle, I've wanted to be Pestilence for awhile now with some kind of spreading disease/infection, but I've never been able to make it into a form acceptable to a GM, so if someone else found a way to condense it, IE an infection, I'd be hopping mad.
  18. Was I the only one reading it as a cult? Though honestly, these are a good reasons, arsonist/poisoner does seem more reasonable, and I did originally list it as a possibility too so it's not like I wasn't unaware about it being a possibility from the start.
  19. *DDoS the Action Server at Day Change*
  20. If there's one positive from Corona I hope happens it's that we see a resurgence in the genre. I think it's already starting to happen. It goes in cycles, but we were about due for a resurgence.
  21. Also I've been bingeing zombie media for like the past 3 weeks so I'm in a zombie mood tbh that probably has something to do with it too.
  22. Forum Games subforum is a cult
  23. I guess maybe now, in November 2020, we don't have a cult mentality, but when I first joined it was definitely hammered into me that you guys loved your cults here.
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