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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Well I guess "not agro" should be "less agro" as the same amount of agro is just spread over a larger area tbh.
  2. It's only bad if everyone else did the same thing Though I guess to be fair I can't agro on Irish for (this) reason anymore if we have a ton of people in similar situations.
  3. This is quite the change of character you've had But seriously... I'd like to be visited... sooner, rather than later...
  4. At the risk of fishing, how many people who didn't move can't and how many just didn't?
  5. Sorry if I'm being a bit abrasive. I just feel as if this is stuff I go over all the time, and I tend to get set off when I have to repeat myself. I'm a stickler for rules so the order of operations is something I'm very passionate about, even if that sounds very lame and nerdy.
  6. Yeah but I didn't know anything about that till Retal revealed it. I wasn't making that argument.
  7. No, that's something I do because I know how you think, and you think wrong a lot. I have a very order of operations dependent ability, I talk order of operations a lot with Jeod, your interpretation made no sense from an order of operations viewpoint.
  8. Say it with me and clap. *the* *people* *communicating* *about* *Irish's* *Roleblock* *if* *anyone* *are *Retal* *and* *KY*
  9. I was arguing it couldn't work that way because I've been a GM and your "theory" is not how mafia plays and was making me question if you're ready to host a game.
  10. Shade's point doesn't establish how either KY or I could know about Irish's roleblock, unless KY *did* travel to Irish and is lying.
  11. Why would the knife and the roleblock be connected though? We just established they aren't.
  12. I quoted that post, but I was more referencing where you seemed to guess that Irishman blocked people before Retal revealed it, as that was quite prescient. Though I'd forgotten you'd said you didn't visit anyone.
  13. Did you visit Irish as well? You seemed to know this too?
  14. Huh, just when I almost thought Shade might have had a point... Good, because roleblocking knife is very galaxy brain.
  15. I mean I can't speak for Jeod, but to be fair if I was doing it I do see your point.
  16. Ehhh... I mean... this is almost a sensible rationale... but then again... seeing your action fail is kind of a notification in and of itself too...
  17. Like this knife as you describe it just sounds needlessly complex and I don't think we should make those assumptions about it, the things you're saying go against my GMing instinct.
  18. Are you expecting to get notified of every action targeting you?
  19. How do you know the knife roleblocked you though?
  20. Couldn't a stab just... go last in the order of operations... like a kill....
  21. And I did not visit anyone either... but most importantly nobody visited me, and I cannot visit anyone until somebody visits me first... so if the rest of you are a bunch of immobile objects, I'm going to be very, very annoyed.
  22. Knowing nothing about this, I'd say it's probably your role, and you're just obsessed with RNG. Then again, FRAYDO died
  23. Anywho, I gotta go make dinner, so afk for just a little bit.
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