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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Like Dead Space gets touted as the HOLY GRAIL of Mafia that's ever been held here and I missed it
  2. That is another possibility I raised, and honestly classical flavor could point to that more maybe. That's a fairly common mechanic... elsewhere... I don't think we've ever done it here though.
  3. There was a visceroid one too but it got shot D1 I think?
  4. Maybe a part of it is jealousy that I wasn't here for Dead Space.
  5. We've only had like one in my time here, but it sounds like before my time you guys did it ALL THE TIME.
  6. We have a history of cults, and infection spreads like a disease and converts people, I've considered several roles like that myself in the past and even publicly talked about them. You can ask plenty of people, especially Shade.
  7. Are you not aware of the history of mafia on this forum?
  8. Sounds like passive defenses are on the menu for quite a few people though, so while maybe not undead, whoever is doing this might not have such a simple time.
  9. I guess there could be an incubation period... Or maybe... and this is NOT fishing cause I'm not asking anyone to volunteer the information... if someone gets infected they can be healed if we have a healer.
  10. I enjoyed the spoon option someone suggested.
  11. You have a very talented imagination.
  12. According to Retal, those that visit Irish get roleblocked. He knows this because he got a "Golden Ticket" that now allows him to get around it. KY somehow figured this out too, guessing it before Retal mentioned it, despite claiming to have gone nowhere.
  13. I'm back, and I want to return to this. What is this argument? We've established Irish is the roleblock?
  14. I mean the mere fact that someone wrote it out means that it exists. Granted, he could be something else with the same name, but that's probably an accepted role, it's generally pretty good at cataloguing those. Anywho, I gotta take care of some things, so I'll be afk for 30-45 minutes.
  15. Oh.... I'd actually never heard of that.
  16. As much as I *enjoy* arguing with Shade, it's not productive, so here's two other thoughts. 1) Who would want to stop Shade? 2) Did someone hope Shade would actually become infectious, knowing he'd infect Irish. (Well, "knowing")
  17. Does that just mean you have a normal laceration that isn't infected? As in, it won't need to be amputated...
  18. So this knife doesn't even exist?
  19. Are you the monster this time?
  20. Though wait... are you letting slip you are indeed frankensteining it up again
  21. I didn't mean that as in they were YOUR zombies
  22. Could be zombies.... it's still close to Halloween... just you're (allegedly) already undead...
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