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Everything posted by OrangeP47

  1. Could be an attempted delayed kill... we don't do those much here, but they're a pretty standard mechanics on other forums.
  2. Wait, so you actually WERE stabbed, it wasn't a failed stabbing?
  3. "Infected...."? Ummm.... that sounds cultish.
  4. Should have been an embedded link, 2/10.
  5. I'm confident we're going to have discussion topics... though if everyone could actually participate, that'd be great.
  6. I don't think it's really a priority at the moment, and like I said, I'm going to be a lot more forthcoming D2, and I have a feeling you will be too, so that's one reason I didn't really bring it up that much, the other reason being *some people* drawing the conversation towards them a lot as well.
  7. Your hints at your role make it sound similar to my role, and it would be interesting if we're both town, though in a 12 player game I suppose it's possible. Hence reason to "investigate".
  8. Since it's pretty clear by now this is what we're doing: ##Vote no lynch
  9. They had a video on that exact topic this very week.
  10. And before anyone flips out, let me be even more explicit: I have some passive defenses. No, I will not explain further. If anyone wants to visit me, though, you may still feel free to do so. It should be safe.
  11. As I've said, my D2 will be much more productive. Also, I'll make it explicit: Don't do your experiment on me, because it won't give the desired result, but not because I'm a baddy. I mean, or do, if you really, really want to.
  12. Why did you even pick a fight with me I was on your side?
  13. Yeah, unless they're trying to buddy someone, they want to keep as many people on the table as mafia candidates as possible.
  14. Though you weren't here for Death Note so you wouldn't know that, I suppose...
  15. My strategy, mafia or third party, is to kill everyone. I don't need to "find" anybody to do that.
  16. He's implying I'm third party maybe? He does that? Actually wouldn't such an accusation kinda imply he's mafia looking for third party? Hmmmm.
  17. No, that's just how the flow of that conversation was going. People were calling you sus and I said no you are better than ILTS.
  18. Mentally it was as if arranging a reads list and the town people go on top and the scum reads go on bottom.
  19. In the context of that post, higher = more likely to be town yes.
  20. Yeah, we haven't talked about him in awhile, but I have reasons to suspect Irish too.
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