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Everything posted by SirJustin90

  1. The AI has always been an issue. Detection, getting stuck... and ease of abusing them if you like exploiting their weaknesses. That being said, having them on choke points to the base as an early alert system in small numbers could be nice. It's too bad we only have 1 bots map. As for scripts, how much more can we do with bots, since we are limited to only scripts? Or can anything be done engine wise about that?
  2. Yes, the console commands to change player limit, botcount, and vehicle limit on the fly make this easy to scale well too. For even more fun (chaos) setting funds to 99999 and such causes high tier insanity. But 0 works best for balance it seems at these bot count levels.
  3. Man, even when the servers are empty, I can still have fun on RA_CamosCanyon_Bots ... 100 bots 100 vlimit. And a shoddy fps for nostalgia (poor old q9300). Hour or two at a time. It's great. All the years that have gone by, I have done similar things. But anyways, does anyone else feel this way? Or does no one like just joining a horde of bots for a slugfest?
  4. Glad to be back, so much has changed. I thought everything had died. I was so damn busy... after a year of waiting. Then it hit me.. something is missing.. First thing that came to mind was testing the games here, and the community fun we had doing so. 


    Man I wish games like these were made more often...

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