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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. The only thing I can think for a ghostafia Nodlied to put the pumpkin on my head is for like a failsafe in case I survived. But if I died, both him and his partner could be tracked to me... so I don't think he'd do that.
  2. I guess we can't really know for sure that Nodlied is town other than putting the pumpkin on my head last night and Chop visiting him and finding good things. But if he really is town and if KY really is neutral... there can only be one other townie here by my count. Assuming there's two scum.
  3. Fair enough. You'd just have more townie points if you found out something totally new is what I'm saying.
  4. Hmmm. I still feel like Nodlied putting the pumpkin on my head was a townie type action, but the description of it is a little different than how he described. It says it makes me do a random action in addition to my night action. Doesn't say that it doubles my action.
  5. I don't think so. I just meant that he'd already claimed neutral when you said you thought your ability probably confirmed that.
  6. A couple things that are bothering me apart from not being able to confirm Cat 5. Orange and KY are like melded at the hip. Seems like most of the stuff they did is confirm the other. And so far Chop's ability usually confirms things we already knew from something that happened about that player. Like with KY and now Nodlied. Not sure what to make of it.
  7. I'm pretty sure I can eliminate FRAYDO and Nodlied. So it was either Orange, Cat 5, KY, or Chop.
  8. Just wondering if you are scum and tried to kill me last night.
  9. Did you also think I wouldn't protect myself last night?
  10. Are we going to be hearing from whoever you passed your "party profiler" to?
  11. When you put the pumpkin on my head, you get pumpkin fashion.
  12. So you aren't told who your target gets bussed to? I was wondering that last night.
  13. Not exactly. They tried to scare me to death, but I was working the night shift last night instead of on patrol. One of my fellow nurses found me collapsed on the floor and saved me! Also I have a pumpkin on my head.
  14. By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.
  15. Just realized since we killed Louis, we violated the Endangered Scary Species Act. Creepy dolls are going extinct!
  16. Also I think earlier Louis seemed to sorta confirm that she has a passive that would screw up Orange's report.
  17. I feel like Jeod's death at least like 90% confirms Nodlied did what he said last night and that Chop was also blocked. Since I know I saved FRAYDO and with the report that FRAYDO's neutral. That seems to eliminated Nodlied, Chop, and FRAYDO from being the killer last night. If Louis is actually TP, that literally only leaves 3 possibilities for Mojo's murder. KY, Orange, or Cat 5.
  18. I sure hope Nodlied is town and that he blocks the killer tonight.
  19. I'm almost tempted to pivot to try to find a scum. But I guess it'd probably be pretty dumb to keep the amulet soulstealer around another day.
  20. Hopefully we're not going to lose you too when she gets lynched.
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