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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. Okay I'll give you one nugget. FRAYDO was the last person iLTS used his "rival" ability on.
  2. You're welcome! Mmm... I'd rather not give away all of my thinking/strategy on who to save last night on the off chance I survive the night. But let's just say I put a lot of thought into it. And that my thinking was right. Sorry not sorry to the scum that are mad about it.
  3. With all the busses and masons and people claiming they visited someone who wasn't FRAYDO, the only possible people left for the doctor were me, Louis, and Snipe. There is no way sorcerer DnD man is a doctor. Scum would definitely figure it out.
  4. I didn't really want to out myself, but I felt like scum would figure me out on their own, so wanted to give us as much info as I could while I still can.
  5. It just occurred to me that maybe FRAYDO died because he visited Jeod? Probably far-fetched but thought I'd throw it out there anyway.
  6. So for me, FRAYDO is clear because I had to save him and Jeod is clear (of being the killer) because FRAYDO wouldn't lie about seeing him follow Nodlied if he's town. I'm not sure if I should consider people in the school bus bonanza clear or not. Btw if it helps anything, FRAYDO had a heart attack. So maybe someone scared him to death? Or gave him an OD of cholesterol? And there's still the mystery of who the heck controlled FRAYDO into following Jeod...
  7. Huh, that's weird. I was expecting Cat 5 to say he controlled FRAYDO. Anyways, I guess I should just come out and say it now. I'm the one that saved FRAYDO.
  8. Well at least that's over with. It was starting to feel more like holding an inquisition than playing mafia. >.>
  9. Orange - Does using a masonry on someone unlock new actions for you?
  10. Aren't you so glad you volunteered to be the chart guy now Chop?
  11. @FRAYDO Glad you're still here with us today! Did you try to follow someone else or did you do nothing and get controlled into following Jeod?
  12. Holy cow. Things sure got interesting today. I had to read it all twice to make sure I understood it all.
  13. Technically Mojo is the one that says Nodlied visited him. But I guess it makes sense with that gimmick.
  14. For a minute there, I was wondering if someone gimmicked you into not speaking English.
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