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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. And was also just kinda curious if the kingdom has the power to send him to the wall. In my head, I wondered if it was kinda like this. King Euron sends a letter to King Tormund, expressing his demand that Tormund immediately goes to the wall. King Tormund replies with a letter politely declining and suggesting that King Euron shove it. Ofc I think it was still better to try to send him to the wall than to send the royal forces off into the unknown. But that scenario did kinda play out in my head...
  2. I don't have anything else to add sadly. Other than wondering if we know whether rubeci actually got sent to the wall successfully or if it's just going to be a mystery?
  3. Looking at the difference in the charts, it looks like either someone new because a rebel or maybe the rebels used an action to increase their numbers like sellswords or something.
  4. I just got the feeling from your posts up to that point that you might have decided to rebel. And I wasn't feeling the rubeci/retaliation debate, so just decided to put my vote on my top suspect. But after your response to finding rubeci, I'm feeling less suspicious of you now. (thanks! I thought it was a good one for GoT)
  5. Whoa! Kingdom of the North! That's a big find. Now at least we know what that green pie slice was. I agree that invading him probably won't work. Ussuuuuaalllyy when the GM warns you that something is hard, it's a good idea to listen! At least he knows his way around the land beyond the wall I guess? I say send him to the wall. Who knows what might happen to the royal army if we send it out there. For the project, I think Irish makes a good point. Maegor's Holdfast could work well with an invasion (or even without one really...) But the Great Sept would give some sweet benefits to the loyalists. I'm leaning toward the Great Sept for now because that 25% will add up faster the quicker we get it done. But the Holdfast would be helpful too.
  6. I'm not really feeling the rubeci train so I'm gonna hop off, but I don't really know where to hop to so I'm just gonna no vote for now. I might change my mind in a few minutes! ##vote nobody.
  7. I didn't really mean their post count. But just feel like it takes more engagement in the game to decide to rebel. Could be wrong tho!
  8. Hopefully PrettyReckless starts contributing more.... my main reason for not suspecting them right now is that I don't think someone who's inactive would have joined the rebellion. >.>
  9. What a kingdom we are, deciding against voting someone because most of us are afraid of him.
  10. In the day post it said the voted person has their House and faction revealed and then the king decides what to do with them.
  11. But who knows, maybe being at the wall is fun and some people might want to stay there to do w.e it is they do there.
  12. It sounds like they lose their perks too, but we don't really know the details.
  13. I was thinking that too when he was complaining about not being the hand (could have been smoke & mirrors tho). But he's probably going to be a thorn in our sides eventually, and I wouldn't shed any tears for a Lannister.
  14. Of course you post riiiight after I cast my vote rubeci and make me start waffling again.
  15. I narrowed it down to 2-3 people in my head and Retal isn't one of them, so I guess I'll go with rubeci. ##vote rubeci
  16. I think you can convert religion once. But you lose all your points and once you convert, you can't do it anymore. ...Or maybe you can but would just be very sorry because Verti said something about the gods not being forgiving.
  17. The thing that makes me feel better about Retal is he's been ultra focused on defense, which is like the royal anthem. Tho I guess his love of fortifications would make him a perfect candidate build up the wall.
  18. Do we know if nolynch is allowed? I think someone voted to do it already but its not on the cvc.
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