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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. Good luck with that since I control your vote today.
  2. Wait wait wait. I just remembered something. When Jeod died, it sounded like he died before our eyes at the beginning of the day. So shouldn't that mean he was actually alive at night for Chop to be able to track him?
  3. D1: Watched Cat 5 - no one visited him D2: Watched Orange - no one visited him D3: Watched KY - failed because Orange jailed me and received BP as a gift D4: Watched KY - saw Chop visit him.
  4. Why don't you want to kill the shinigami? Are we really going to be the fun police and lynch me when we have a chance to try something really awesome?
  5. Come on guys. This would be the coolest thing ever. Can't we at least try it and find out? If I'm wrong, no one will even die. But if I'm right... it would be amazing.
  6. It's wonderful in wonderland. Come with me down the rabbit hole!
  7. ##vote Verti ##hypnotize Verti I love you Ryuk. You love me too. You know you do. Let's spend the rest of our lives in wonderland together! Extend my life so we can be together forever!
  8. I watched the show. I didn't really like it but I watched it.
  9. And if I'm right, that's the coolest mechanic in mafia history Irish lol.
  10. I can hypnotize him to bring him to wonderland with me and make him do whatever I want for one day. AKA I can make him vote for whoever I vote for, including himself. It also has a hidden effect on one player and I think it's Verti because of the story between Misa and Gelus.
  11. And your point is? I told the truth that I got blocked without anyone needing to force it out of me.
  12. So basically you're saying you knew you needed to claim first for your gambit to work and you stayed up sooper late to make sure you could do it? Is it really that hard to figure out I would watch KY? I mean... I said I tried to watch him the night before and he was an important player. I tried to think of who was most likely to get NKed, and he was the one I picked. Guess I was right?
  13. How should I know? Maybe you can use your ability along with your night kill? Or maybe you're just making it up and trying to get me killed because I'm the watcher and you're a big meanie?
  14. Wow Chop really? After I gave you my hugs, you're gonna go and try to pin your kill on me like that? You're right somehow... I did visit KY last night, but you left off a pretty important piece of info buddy... the part about how I saw you visit him... I'm Alice Liddell but I'm a little different from the one everyone might me thinking of. Has anyone played Alice: Madness Returns? It's a game where Alice goes insane because her family was killed and her wonderland becomes... a lot spookier than the one from Lewis Carrol's book. Because of that, I have a passive called insanity that says my mind can't be affected. That's why I thought Cat5 was possessed yesterday because I thought there must be someone out there that messes with minds and he was acting so weird, I didn't know how else to explain it.
  15. Oh wow. Now that I know Verti's identity, I think I actually know how to kill him and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that can do it. Because if I'm right... I can make him fall in love with me. So much stuff is going on... I'm going to try to go back and respond to it all now.
  16. Would it make you feel better if I promised not to vote for you tomorrow unless there's 100% solid proof that you killed someone? Because I don't see why anyone would vote you up again if we confirmed you were telling the truth.
  17. Actually I am scum hunting right now. Your interactions with Verti convinced me that you two are scum partners and he's trying to save you. But I also agree with iLTS that it's a win-win. Either you're telling the truth and we don't need to worry about you or you're not, and you're dead and scum.
  18. For someone who shouldn't be worried about dying in the lynch, you sure seem pretty worried...
  19. No, I want to lynch Shade because you've made it pretty clear you know he doesn't have lynchproof...
  20. Personally I'm voting for Shade because I think Verti doesn't want us to. And I agree with iLTS that it's a win-win situation. Either we find out he's telling the truth and don't have to worry about voting for him tomorrow or we find out he's lying, in which case he is obviously not town.
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