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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. There's still a couple people I'm suspicious of but nobody ever listens to me so why even bother? ##vote Nodlied
  2. Okay so we have Nodlied and Orange claiming neutral. If even ONE of those is true... What does that mean for Cat 5 and Verti? Both of them don't seem very townish to me. They haven't done any actions, Cat 5 apparently does stuff to dead people, and Verti couldn't be killed by a noose.
  3. You've been acting like god's gift to the town so far, so I thought it was weird that you're suddenly claiming neutral.
  4. Are you implying that you're neutral? My answer to your survey is I have no idea.
  5. Yeah I watched Category 5 the first night and nobody visited him. It's one of the reasons I was suspicious of him too because I was surprised. That doesn't make me feel any better!
  6. Because without witnessing any visits, it doesn't really help anyone except scum to reveal it.
  7. I sent my kitty to watch you. Turns out nobody visited you. Not only have I found out nothing but now I'm cursed for my troubles. Sheeeesshhh.
  8. You can do that? Your ability is starting to sound pretty complicated. Am I the only one here with a simple, normal ability?
  9. If I tell you, will you tell me what's going to happen to me?
  10. Ugh. Now I have to think about this for the next 36 hours. Thanks!
  11. Yowzers. Not mummification! I'm too pretty for that.
  12. Nope. But I want to find out if his curse applies to regular visits.
  13. So Orange, is something going to happen to me for visiting you last night?
  14. iLTS has been pretty quiet. I wonder if he's actually the one that was waiting to find out who Chop visited before saying anything.
  15. What? Noooo! Don't do that. Keep your eyes on the road Choppy!
  16. I've been quiet about my ability because I haven't really had anything useful to report so revealing won't help anyone except scum by letting them know what I can do. I don't have much today either, but I can do it if it's that important.
  17. Good catch. I was kinda wondering about that. And then there's not knowing his alignment still too.
  18. Holy potatoes Irish. You weren't kidding about this being a mafia game not for the faint of heart. O.O
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