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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. It's like deja vu from the last CYOR where Shade disappeared before a lynch as Dr. Frankenstein.
  2. Oh okay. So it's liquidate then but just with a typo in the PM?
  3. Liquidate and Liquidize don't mean the same thing. But I'm confused because Shade said liquidization but Irish resolved it as liquidation
  4. You said that if there was any other character from your universe here, they wouldn't be friends with you. Sounds pretty diabolical to me
  5. Don't be coy. You've been doing it and you know it.
  6. You might want to get your reading glasses checked then because a lot of his posts have been mysterious references to being some kind of death lord that nobody likes.
  7. Because he seems different than usual. He doesn't usually make weird ominous comments about his character all the time.
  8. ##vote Category 5 He's kinda giving me hostile third party vibes, but it'd probably be better than risking a mislynch on a townie.
  9. He said something that caught my eye. It was something about how no matter whether we lynched Verti or iLTS, "no one" would be happy with the result.
  10. Anyways, I agree with the Cat 5 suspicion but not because of his activity. More mostly just because he keeps implying he's some really dangerous character.
  11. I don't think we have a vampire cult because one of the characters I submitted was a vampire slayer.
  12. Sure do, but they don't like puking up blood that doesn't agree with them either.
  13. Ewwww no. Humans or bust. I'm just saying Ventrue usually have to eat only certain types of people. Like it could be only wealthy people, only women, only men, only evil people, only clowns, etc. I'm not making any claims about our mafia game here. I'm just a big VtM fangirl.
  14. Because you like stock brokers or because you're a picky eater?
  15. They're the only ones that don't have a reflection - hence mirror broken!
  16. Mirrors always make me think of Lasombra, but then I'm biased on that.
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