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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. Either that or they didn't want KY to shoot them during the day.
  2. That's pretty clever. Tho right now I'm still suspicious of whatever happened to Cat 5. I feel like he was trying to tell us something when he mentioned wanting answers from Chop. And I think someone didn't want those answers revealed.
  3. But why not help us before dying? He wanted to tell us things about his conversation with Jeod literally like... an hour or so before nightfall. And then suddenly he wants to be shot?
  4. Not like that. He wouldn't go straight from being in serious mode to being in meme mode. I'm pretty sure. It's too weird to be real.
  5. No, I don't think Category 5 did that on his own. IMO he was possessed to do it by some evil force by a player who had an incentive for KY to waste his gunshot. And we have a player here who was unlynchable that we know absolutely nothing about. What a coincidence.
  6. But what if Cat 5 doesn't come back? Why not question Chop first and then ask to be shot? Why act so out of character?
  7. I think it might be important actually. Before the night started Cat 5 was really aggressive toward Chop. He told him he better be able to confirm who Jeod targeted the night before and sounded like he was ready to jump on him with questions. Then all of a sudden he wants to be shot in the face? Are you kidding me? That doesn't make any sense at all.
  8. It honestly doesn't add up for me. Why would Cat 5 go so suddenly from being stoked about interrogating Chop to wanting to be shot in the face. Why did he NEED to be shot if he wanted to die so badly? He could have just tried to get himself lynched and saved the gunshot for someone else. It doesn't really sound like something he would do. It's not like him at all.
  9. Does anyone think we'll get retroactive info about the dead players at some point if Cat 5 was the reason why we didn't get info?
  10. I never got notified about any curse on me. I was just trying to find out more about it because I visited Orange that night and all his talk about his curse like it was the worst thing ever was freaking me out.
  11. Well even though Orange is claiming neutral, his abilities are still pretty useful for the town right? Between the jailing and the curse that throws a wrench in scum's plans.
  12. I tried to send Cheshire to watch KY, thinking Orange would probably visit him again. Turns out, I got abducted instead! 😧 At least I got a bulletproof out of it for my contributions to his research. (ewww ewww eww)
  13. Too bad Nodlied was probably the one who was supposed to deal with it...
  14. Oh and add "takes weird ways to kill them like chopping off their head or staking them through the heart." to the list too.
  15. Zombies: Killed. Comes back to life as zombies. Eat people. Vampires: Killed. Comes back to life as vampires. Eat people. Undead.
  16. How are they cleared? We don't even know anything about Cat 5 and Verti.
  17. Welllll Orange says he's a vampire and as a vampire fangirl, I'm here to say that vampires are undead creatures. I don't know what Irish considers them and don't care. And yeah I thought it was strange too.
  18. But why even consider lying about it? It wouldn't be useful if you were wrong.
  19. I mean... the fact that Nodlied got blocked when no kill happened and his weird ability is suspicious for sure, but you have to admit that hider sounds exactly like the ability King Boo would have, so I'm not totally sure. Mummifying... definitely doesn't sound like something King Boo would do... but I guess it could be flavor for the spooky halloween game. It's probably still worth lynching him to find out tho. But it seems to me there's a lot of other things going on here. I've mentioned most of it before but I guess I can do it again just for kicks... We have two players that still haven't made any claims at all about what they do. Cat 5 says he hasn't done anything on either night (really?), and Verti keeps saying things about people not visiting him. I'm kind of curious how he knows that. Between the two of them, Verti seems more interested in finding out the scum than Cat 5, but then Cat 5 has been busy and Verti has focused pretty much all on analyzing other players and not revealing anything about himself. All we know about them is Cat 5 plays with dead people and Verti doesn't die when strung up on a noose... neither of which sound very friendly. There's also Chop who admitted to visiting Jeod last night when Jeod was killed. He gets props for that, but he said a weird thing too. He considered lying about it. I can see why he might've wanted to lie if he had a solid reason but it's still a little sketchy this early in the game. Maybe a slip? I'm not sure. There's one other thing I know from my nightly visits that nobody visited Cat 5 or Orange on the nights I watched them. It doesn't necessarily mean they're hostile or scum but it's something to think about.
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