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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. I think I just heard a few gasps from the secret drowned god players.
  2. Not having the national religion is a disadvantage for sure, but there's always a choice. I think there's still other benefits to being loyal to the iron throne.
  3. ##vote Jeod Because I appreciate his transparency and his pirate ways.
  4. If it helps lords and ladies who're worried about alignments, verti already said that we all started as independents.
  5. Here's a random question for the candidates. Would you be a king or a queen?
  6. I'm leaning towards one of the candidates but just kinda holding my vote until I hear more interesting info... like sweet bribery. I'm definitely open to bribery.
  7. Not 100% certain. A beloved ruler could have 100% support of the houses. I know it would never actually happen but it could.
  8. Fair point. It might be a good time to ask who actually wants to be the monarch. So far sounds like Jeod, Voe, and Shade (?).
  9. The CVC looks really cool with that font except the lords with the numbers in their name look weak with those little tiny numbers next to the big, elegant letters. We can't have a ruler with weak little numbers, so I won't be voting for any of those Houses today!
  10. Pretty confident against psyduck at least. I do have a type advantage against him and my pokemon is level 30 too. Dunno if that NPC has any other pokemon tho.
  11. Route 34 is the psyduck right? I like my chances, so I'll throw my hat in the ring. ##trainer Sunflower
  12. I guess the way the game is right now where we're limited in who can actually battle who is kinda lame. And it will get worse when we get to double battles. So maybe the change would help. I think the change does kinda eliminate some of the trade-offs in which pokemon you pick to level tho. Some pokemon take more effort to train than others. There's some pokemon who are good no matter what level they are and others that are pretty weak until they evolve. Training up an aerodactyl and then dropping your points into Caterpie almost feels like cheating.
  13. I mean... we don't really know all the details so I dunno. You made the game the original way cause you thought it was right, so I agree with Brigitte that you should just stick with it. Unless you think the original way is awful or something.
  14. I just meant the pokemon you have available for today whether its level 10 or level 20 so we know which players could have a fair battle with Retal. So far it's just me or Irish.
  15. ##trainer no vote The double vote was just a placeholder but I don't want Retal to accidentally get sent to an investigation.
  16. It's okay I figured that's what you meant lol.
  17. I've got a chicken too! Well actually I don't think it's really a chicken... but it's kinda chicken-ish.
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