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Everything posted by Sunflower

  1. Nah I'm all about the luxury. Big and soft mattress > iron throne. It must be really cold to sit on that thing in the winter time. No thanks!
  2. I dunno about that. A royal player can't become a rebel unless the rebels win and vice versa. Just because someone might want to rebel eventually doesn't mean they can't help out while they're still loyal. And stuff might happen that changes their mind about wanting to rebel. If you're a royal, you should want to find the rebels because they're the only ones who can attack your holdings.
  3. I think if it was just a normal House, he would let us know what it was since we know about all the other houses. Dunno about the King/Lord Commander thing. I'm not super worried about them tho. It's probably more important to defend the kingdom from the rebels. Indie is mysterious but their motives are unknown. They might not be dangerous, but rebels definitely are.
  4. Yeah that could explain the indie pie slice. Melisandre or someone like that would be more worrying. Actually now that I think of it, if the indie pie is actually a player, I bet that person wouldn't have run for King in the last election.
  5. I had 2 ideas when I brought up the 9 houses thing but I forgot what the other one was now.
  6. Oh boy. Guess I just fished so hard the game didn't even start yet.
  7. The only thing I can think is that someone is playing as the Lord Commander.
  8. I was just watching Verti's video with the houses again and I think there's a good chance we have a player who isn't a member of a House because he only featured 9 houses.
  9. I don't think electing a Stark would make the whole kingdom immune to winter. Hopefully Queen Sansa or whoever would still want to protect her subjects.
  10. Rebels can be sent to the wall tho, and they can choose to fight there or even abandon their post and do who knows what so we don't really know what might be happening down the road. I think it's not really clear what causes a game over in this game.
  11. I think whenever a ruler loses, we repeat what we did on d1 again and it's up to the new ruler to be inspiring enough to get people to stay loyal to them. But hopefully that won't happen any time soon b/c long live King Euron I Greyjoy.
  12. I thought this comment was curious. I'm not sure if it means Irish would've rebelled on n1 or not but still.
  13. Anyway I don't think we should nolynch. It wouldn't be good to hit a royal by mistake, but I don't think we should give the rebels the first move. Especially since it sounds like our spies need to pray some more before they learn how to spy.
  14. I just thought it was a weird comment to just throw out there and then leave it alone.
  15. I'm not sure if the pie chart is to scale or not but it looks like we've got something like 73ish% royals. I guess that could mean there are hidden mysteries out there lurking. Or maybe it's just a ballpark chart. But anyway it looks like probably about 2 or so rebels we're looking for. Maybe 3.
  16. Ohhh, looks like we didn't get the mass defections that everyone were predicting.
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