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Everything posted by Zwei

  1. LMFAO. River Raid can definitely have some bots though up the center at least. Thats a small low tech map with no defenses, right? It'd be good to have some cannon fodder, some guards, some techies repping. Actually techies repairing is the best part of the bots. If all maps had techies at each building's MCT that would be awesome.
  2. I voted for River Raid but I wanted Canyon River. Having bots to defend all of the infantry tunnels and cliff pathways flanking each base would be great; having to climb that cliff to defend against a single camping rocket soldier takes you out of the game, having guard bots for those spots would be awesome.
  3. Awww crap, thats why. My C drive has only got 2 gigs free. Thanks, figured out. Looks like your upload was perfectly fine.
  4. I got 60 gigs free in my D drive, where W3D Hub is installed. In the launcher, there are no options for ECW, its only the install button that responds. But every time, always2.zip and movies.zip fail to download. Re-upload ECW thru the launcher, just try again, this current download package is incomplete, doesn't work (for me) Wheres the exception.txt? How come the other two mods work/have been working since, but not this one?
  5. always2.zip and movies.zip fail to download/install. Can you fine tune your installation's procedure in the launcher? I turned my firewall off and its still not working.
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