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Everything posted by Louis

  1. Just wanted to let you guys know I've been at work all day and will be at work still by hammer time but I'll check in here and there.
  2. Thanks for the advice! Much appreciated, I still feel like I have a lot to learn.
  3. I've made my case as to why I'd vote for mojo, but I don't know why chop is vote with me, but I've made my case, what's your case as to voting for me?
  4. My vote right now? It would go for Mojo. He's been all over the place with his joke votes never fully voting on anyone and barely saying anything but pouting about how he doesn't have his hammer anymore. Then also not fully casting suspicion either, metaphorically speaking he only has one foot in the race and not putting in the work to actually help town but always making sure to claim that he's town.
  5. Also I'd like to say this and tell me what you think. Who has casted the most suspicion towards other players randomly? Also @FRAYDO, you say KY is your proof as townie, but I say how is that any different towards me and Chopbam. Chopbam was a bit more suspicious the previous day and because he decided to roleblock me, you started pointing a finger at me saying I'm in kahoots with Chopbam. To me you havent been confirmed town, nor has KY. Which is killing me because KY will probs vote with you and so will ILTS, at a game with less players now and if there are two scums, scum has to convince at least another person to vote with them so theyd control the majority.
  6. Yes but I have no proof, I'm a little upset at you because I wasn't able to use my ability last night.
  7. I am willing to kill myself just so you all see that i am town and that you've sacrificed another day killing a townie and not finding scum. Right now scum seems to be relishing in the situation that a townie is going to be lynched.
  8. Give me this who would benefit from all the kills that happened so far by killing Verti, Retal and Shade. Shade was a clear choice because he was confirmed town and was a wild card.
  9. Y'all started coming after me because of Chopbam, I so far am supporting him because he is my alibi, and as i stated before last night I tried to use my ability on Cat5 but was roleblocked, how is that scum fishy to me, i didn't do it N1 because I didn't have enough info to go off of to protect someone yet. N2 I was late to do pm because it was my birthday and I was out celebrating. When I am on, I skim the couple of pages that I have to read to catch up on, so I don't fully get the info and have to ask basic questions. Cat5 suspected me from the start with no evidence so far. I don't have any day actions so I couldnt do anything to help when DK showed up, just a night action.
  10. @Killing_You I'd like to know your thoughts right now please.
  11. See, right now I am siding with Chopbam because he's the only one who believes in me, but if later turns out to be to scum later and do this to mess with me to get suspicious off of him, props to him.
  12. Have you asked why ILTS wants what Chopbam has?
  13. Sorry but maybe you're scum, because to me you haven't been confirmed scum, non of you guys have. Im a little heated right now, because the one time I try to do something I'm caught in this web. I am NOT scum. Targeting me today will in the end not benefit town into getting closer to finding scum, I actually want to win this game, I am so frustrated that we haven't found another one after Orange's big reveal.
  14. @iLikeToSnipe where ya at? Care to tell us your thoughts?
  15. Also I don't trust ILTS, he's been all talk and now he's super quiet, why's that? Seems like scum lying low to see the destructions he's done.
  16. @ChopBam can you explain to me what the 1-up is, I think I missed what it does.
  17. What I don't get is how you're not proven townie at all yet @FRAYDO I am not in kahoots with Chopbam and I don't know why he decided to Target me tonight but so far he's be my alibi, I dont trust him right now but he's the only one who's been on my side on how ridiculous this is. How is this different from who you and KY where in kahoots at the gym.
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