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Posts posted by LeonardMT

  1. 29 minutes ago, Tank_Killer said:

    So, following what LeonardMT told me while I was on his server, it seems that having any VM stuff running, the server ties to the VM IP address and not your own. Tested and confirmed with my own PC since I'm running VirtualBox, too.



    Yes I solve the problem just by disabling all of my virtual network cards. 

    Btw interesting windows username :p

  2. 3 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

    By the way, you don't need to worry about port forwarding at all if you're connecting on the same machine that's running it. So if you're trying to connect from the same machine, you can eliminate this as a cause for the issue.

    As long as the port you are trying to direct connect in Asterisk matches GameSpyGamePort in server.ini it should be okay. You are 100% sure that is your current local IPv4 address? This is the one that appears in the IPv4 Address field when you type ipconfig into cmd.

    Yup I'm 100% sure whats what I got in ipconfig (you can a screenshot of ipconfig on my system is a previous post)

  3. 2 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

    I got ninja'd a bit there by Tank_Killer. I guess if you're using Asterisk it will pass the correct params to the game. You have verified that you are trying to connect to the correct Server IP? On my local LAN, for me that would be on port 9016.

    For myself I don't bother with brenbot or the plugins (as I don't need them for launcher display or anything else) so I haven't been able to help you out with those due to complete lack of experience. But I run a local FDS all the time with the bare minimum of files.

    Yup I made sure to connect to on port 9016 but it still failed also heres the settings for port 9016 1290432247_Screenshot2021-05-20101624.thumb.png.93ca5dc00a181a90c797f9f02734c445.png

  4. 1 minute ago, Tank_Killer said:

    Dynamic IP's are a pain, but it shouldn't be a problem unless it's shifting all the time. Then you'd need to set it to a fixed. But that shouldn't be too much of a problem since I assume you're trying to connect on the same PC.

    My IP doesn't shift a lot and I also noticed that the .DLLs were blocked but that didn't help either. I don't understand why its not working openra works just fine.

  5. 27 minutes ago, Tank_Killer said:

    Are you hosting on the same computer you're trying to play from?

    If so try doing the localhost connection ( )

    If you're trying to connect from outside the computer you're hosting on, you'll need to go into your router/modem's settings and forward that port to the computer hosting. If necessary you could try putting that PC in the DMZ for a moment to see if it will connect, but don't leave the PC in the DMZ as you lose alot of protections that your modem typically provides.


    Oh hi @Tank_Killer sadly putting my PC in the DMZ didn't work and I still can't connect to my server locally.

  6. 3 minutes ago, triattack said:

    yeah seems it joined alright

    [22:50 19/May/21] * Brenbot (Brenbot@Clk-32206B31.socal.res.rr.com) has joined #rencorner

    brenbot is in: #somechannel-admin #somechannel #rencorner

    Not for me I'm alone in #somechannel-admin #somechannel I'll try #rencorner right now.

    Nope it must be me they are all empty.

  7. Still nothing :( but this is happing: 

    [13:39:04] BRenBot 1.56 build 1
    [13:39:04] Copyright 2003-2020, Tiberian Technologies. All rights reserved.
    [13:39:04] [Config] Detected SSGM version 4.1
    [13:39:04] [Config] Found data/paths.ini, reading logfile path... c:\servers\apb\W3D Hub/games\apb-release-server-server/
    [13:39:04] Starting game status refresh thread...
    [13:39:04] [IRC] Connected to irc.rencorner.com.
    [13:39:05] Connecting to SSGM Log Server on Success!
    [13:39:06] [IRC] Joining channel #somechannel...
    [13:39:06] [IRC] Joining channel #somechannel-admin...
    [13:39:06] [IRC] Brenbot joined channel #rencorner
    [13:39:07] [IRC] Brenbot joined channel #somechannel
    [13:39:07] [IRC] Brenbot joined channel #somechannel-admin
    [13:39:20] rantanplan@IRC 's permission: irc_op
    [13:39:20] Executing plugins
    [13:39:35] rantanplan@IRC 's permission: irc_op
    [13:41:45] rantanplan@IRC 's permission: irc_op
    [13:41:45] Executing gi
    [13:42:28] [IRC] rantanplan joined channel #somechannel
    [13:42:50] rantanplan@IRC 's permission: irc_op
    [13:42:50] Executing msg
    [13:43:36] rantanplan@IRC 's permission: irc_op
    [13:43:36] Executing msg
    [13:43:37] rantanplan@IRC 's permission: irc_op
    [13:43:37] Executing msg
    [13:43:39] rantanplan@IRC 's permission: irc_op
    [13:43:39] Executing msg


  8. 4 minutes ago, triattack said:

    yeah you could also do it a in a different way by loading it threw the database but IRC is easier you can join the admin channel before the bot and change level 6 to this so you have all permissions without registering a channel (not recommended as permanent solution but should work fine to play around without getting to much into irc stuff)

        <permission level="6">

    if you don't have an irc client you could use something like mibbit temporarily too https://mibbit.com/

    Ok I believe I joined into the right channel (I chose #somechannel-admin) and typed !plugin_load gamespy but nothing is appeared to happen and its still not showing up (I relaunched server.exe)


    I can see why you didn't make this public :P

  9. 45 minutes ago, rantanplan said:

    Then you must load the gamespy plugin from IRC, but first I suggest you edit the value of IrcServer in brenbot.cfg and change it to irc.rencorner.com or any other server you want, as it is failing to connect to irc.w3dhub.com. You will have to join that IRC server and your channel and type !plugin_load gamespy. You can find more information about this here.

    Ok so does that mean that I need to get an IRC client and if so which you you recommend?

  10. Ok I got into irc.rencorner.com 

    [13:15:22] BRenBot 1.56 build 1
    [13:15:22] Copyright 2003-2020, Tiberian Technologies. All rights reserved.
    [13:15:22] [Config] Detected SSGM version 4.1
    [13:15:22] [Config] Found data/paths.ini, reading logfile path... c:\servers\apb\W3D Hub/games\apb-release-server-server/
    [13:15:22] Starting game status refresh thread...
    [13:15:22] [IRC] Connected to irc.rencorner.com.
    [13:15:23] Connecting to SSGM Log Server on Failed! Will retry in one minute.
    [13:15:26] [IRC] Joining channel #somechannel...
    [13:15:26] [IRC] Joining channel #somechannel-admin...
    [13:15:26] [IRC] Brenbot joined channel #rencorner
    [13:15:27] [IRC] Brenbot joined channel #somechannel
    [13:15:27] [IRC] Brenbot joined channel #somechannel-admin


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