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Posts posted by madrox8


    GDI Base defenses on TS do not detect stealth units - only if you " hit " then with the vehicle, so stalking around an enemy base on those old times was tricky - moving one step by one with the mouse clicks.


    Well, at least that was on TS. I didn't had FS, so there is a possibility that WW made a patch which turned component towers to detect steath at a certain range. However, doing that will kill almost all possibilities of stank rushes on TS_Crossroads. Assuming that is the only decent rush strategy, aside of SAPCs from the beach, things would get difficult for the brotherhood here....


    I'm pretty sure, in Tiberian Sun and Firestorm, only Vulcan Cannons had a small stealth detection range. RPG's and SAM's didn't.

    this is true, and infantry had a small stealth detection range as well, along with wolverines, and titans once they reached Star level

  2. thing is ICE, there is 2 types of logics you need to think of, you only think of real life logic, and to video games, means nothing, for art and real life opertunities thats where that logic is important. then there is programming logic / gameing logic, gthis kind of logic anything can happen weather it makes sence for real life logic or not


    on the APB LOL map, how does it make sence an ore truck can fly and shoot rockets? it dosent, but in a programming sence, it makes perfect sence and thus why it can happen.


    the point that wally and myself are trying to make it dosent matter what the ammo is called for these reasons

    1) as stated hundreads of times, you will not even see what the munition is called on the weopon you are useing

    2) the ammo name is just a value title for programming

    3) it is a sci fi game, how does it make scence a walking unit can be more effective then a tracked vehical

  3. I know the name won't matter, but what if there is a game manual and it states what happens to Umagon when she ranks up? Won't a name be used then? Other than that you are correct.


    as for all i know about basic programming, for when you set a rank up situation you just code the name of the weopon, increase X amount of values, then call a text msg to inform "you got promoted"


    so in a sence, on promotion, the coder can just type what ever he wants for a promotion msg.

  4. I don't even care about the unseen name, I just don't want the projectile to look like a laser/particle/whatever beam, hence my Dragon's Breath suggestion.


    the very thing you are argueing about mostly is in fact the unseen name, i dunno how many times wally has said this and myself, no where in game will you see the name of the ammo unless your modifying the data for it

  5. When AR is in a playable state, will you have open tests like the APB team is doing now? Seems like a lot of games get released in an unfinished state these days with updates over time (e.g. Minecraft, Project Zomboid, Natural Selection 2 (not really), Terraria(?)), though most have you pay first so it makes sense that users continually play since they expected something for their dollar.
    I'd like to do this when we are closer to a release. I think the art needs finishing before we do anything like that though.


    well to be fair its playable now :p just allies will get lost in their buildings with no textures

  6. well this was a big misunderstanding on the whole arguement


    we all thought your just nitpicking at the string of the weopon that you use to plug in the values (you never see the name of that as there is a seperate value to give the weopon a name)


    and for the rank from what iv read, if you reach full promotion with say a disk thrower, you can pay 2X the value to buy a fully promoted disk thrower but cannot buy fully promoted units with the others. if you fully promote a wolverine later then you can pay 2X for the wolverine AND pay 2X for the fully promoted disk, and as such if you want you can pay 1.5X for the rank in between full and starting, your choice if you reach that goal for the unit on that round.


    i hope that clears things a bit :/

  7. to be honest, it really dosent matter what things are called or named, games are made of images and numbers that tell the game to do things, you can modle a broom that projectile exits the poofy brush stuff and on contact activate nuke animation that will do 3 damage to units in the radious of a map.


    names of ammo it uses does not show anywhere

    models are only visual purposes

    animations are more eye candy visual purposes

    the numbers is what makes things happen, THINK OF THE NUMBERS!!!!

  8. Nope, it's a game mechanics problem. There's no reason for the game to go on starting from the point you lose your Refinery or War Factory early in the game and therefore people are gonna do something else. Luckily most of the time the enemy team will only take 10 minutes or so to stop killwhoring and end the game but sometimes they will continue to killwhore till the timer runs out, at that point at least half of the losing team will quit. It's even been suggested before to have the game end 5 minutes after the War Factory dies.


    the reason killwhoreing is around is mostly due to oxi stats, people dont want to win, they want to have something to say they are number 1 at something or do it for achievment whoreing (medals), and because oxi stats keeps track of so many leader boards for every unit, K/D and other stuff you can think of, why would you want to just win the game that will not improve stats overal?


    the oxi stat system is good but its the dumb people who think being number 1 by points is more important then winning the match, and if they looe a structure that enables a point whoreing unit those players will quit, if the team looses a building that enables a good killwhoreing unit, those killwhore players will quit, if you know where a sniper killwhore camps, and kill him 2-3 times in a row without him getting a kill, he will quit.


    if you want people to stay in the game and play how the game is ment to be played then the oxi stats need to be completly changed to set more objective to the destruction of the base then reward the kill / point whores, this is just my personal opinion on the matter


    or option B is to give a big hand holding situation if the enemy looses the War Factory then you loose it as well to keep a fair game and tie games so no one is a looser and everyone can have fun /sarcasum

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