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Posts posted by Garrus09

  1. In what game? I've never seen it as a problem. I didn't even know the camera position was an editable feature in w3d.

    It's not so much a problem for everyone as it is a problem for still quite a few. Total Biscuit takes most FPS games seriously when it comes to graphics settings and FoV sliders are a pet peev. He almost refuses to play any shooter with a low FoV slider because it gives him headaches. I get headaches after playing CoD for to long. http://youtu.be/AAgc43e-zp4?t=2m38s CoD Ghosts also has no FoV slider.

  2. So some of you might know and some might not. The First Person View camera is set dreadfully low. I know it will take time to rerig and position weapons. However some and even most don't know that Third Person is a thing in the game and have to power through the terrible field of view. I suggest raising it to at least 90. This is the minimum for most people's acceptance in FoV terms.



  3. Because shooting innocent people is ok but shooting children is bad. Who exactly decided that that's the standard we should run in video games anyway? Shooting fake virtual adults (pixels) in a video game is ok but shooting fake virtual children (smaller pixels) is not ok, give me a break.


    I honestly don't see why people are discussing useless things like civilians when we should be more worried about balance, new maps and ways to make certain units/vehicles more useful.


  4. Also keep in mind that the amount of toxins in the air varies a lot; Some areas are completely uninhabitable, while others are not much worse than city-smog, and some areas have managed to stay completely Tib-free.


    And as others have pointed out, just because the air is toxic doesn't mean people stop living there; In every city there will be many people who are too poor, disabled or otherwise unable to move to safer areas, while others refuse to abandon their hometowns or simply don't care enough to bother leaving. Some will get sick and die, while others will survive but develop chronic lung-infections or other long-term illnesses. Still others will become partially resistant to the Tiberium's effects or simply never get sick, either through low-level mutations, immunological responses or just plain luck.


    Long story short, put dem civies in da cities! :v: (and thrown in a few Visceroids while you're at it)


    Oh, and when/if proper civilian models are made for Reborn (fingers crossed!), we can make several different types for different situations:


    - Normal, healthy

    - Wandering scavengers (Generally post-apocalyptic-looking; Gas-mask, hood/cloak, olive/grey/brown clothing)

    - Sick but surviving (Bronchitis, etc.)

    - Seriously ill/disabled/dying (Cancer, etc.)

    - Mutants

    Not sure how any of this is relevant considering oh idk all of the barnz maps have a fuck ton of Tiberium everywhere....

  5. All of them in the open for a short time. That or Mutants.

    It also had a deadly effect on the environment and all carbon-based life. Between 1995 and c.a. 2034 it covered much of the planet, transforming and adapting flora and fauna to its alien nature. Spores and gases emitted by Tiberium-mutated plant life had led to the danger of Earth becoming uninhabitable for humans, as the concentration of Tiberium pollutants in the air reached critical levels. -C&C Wiki Tiberium.

    So give them all Gas masks then okay. :D




    Ooh... shiny! :downs:



    >Just an idea, but what about a destroyed war factory, which can still produce transporting vehicles (AAPC and Underground APC). its always a shit game, if the war factroy gets destroyed on TS_shallow.

    Or if this is a stupid idea, what about adding respawning civilian vehicles like the caravan on shallow for both teams?


    Well, a destroyed factory can't produce anything, just as a dead Techie can't repair anything. :p


    But they've already said that they're working on a plausible way to have certain basic vehicles brought in without a War Factory. :wink:


    As for civilian vehicles, yes we need them on more maps, but I don't think they should respawn. Instead they could drive in from off-map. This would actually be quite realistic, as there will always be people wandering from town to town in search of supplies and whatnot.


    More importantly, we also need actual civilians! Throw a few Renegade civilians into the villages/cities of certain maps, and give them just enough AI to run away hysterically when shot at. :v:


    You know the Air in Tib Sun is toxic right?



    Also I will be posting these blogs on the Steam Group as well. Feel free to fill up the chat room and discuss stuff there.

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