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Status Updates posted by Wallywood

  1. Arguing with an idiot is like playing chess with a pigeon...No matter how good you are, The bird is going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway.

    1. Isaac The Madd

      Isaac The Madd

      Indeed Great Wallywood.

    2. Justas_Prime


      Indeed a great way to express it and that's absolutely true. Saw dozens of buffoons in real life and games who neither gives a proper argument neither what but stays ignorant and blind to the obvious point. Even a worse if he is so dumb that starts to insult your parents and kinda that and course no way to shut him up so best if not ''argue'' and ignore :D

  2. Everyone should take a little time out there busy day and smell the air. Because somewhere in the world the gloryus Matt Damon has farted.

  3. Best company ever.

  4. Professional dawg!

  5. People be crazy

    1. ChopBam
    2. Garrus09



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