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The game (APB) is telling me that I will not be ranked because my username is already taken

Go to solution Solved by moonsense715,

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When you played previously, did you use capitalization with your username? The stats table behaves weird because of capitalization, and can't write to a new instance for you because CnCThang is, by a database standard, not different than cncthang or cncThang, etc.

@moonsense715 was able to help with my issue, but it did take some time.

Easiest fix, with the least work is to try with differing capitalization in your display name until you don't get that message - Then you've found the username of yours that exists already.

Edit: You should test different capitalization on a new map, as once you're on the server on one map, it keeps your information until a new one. So it can take awhile to sort.

Edited by Tank_Killer
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19 hours ago, moonsense715 said:

Your stats-saved username is Cncthang. You should either use that or tell me if you want to move your stats to a differently cased version.

I have a feeling this might start coming up more often, do you have a macro written to do it quicker?

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