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Can't get Mammoth to open anything.

Go to solution Solved by ChopBam,

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I opened 


and put in 


and after that I run mammoth and it crashes when trying to open a .lvl. Refer to issue.zip for more info as that contains a Problems Steps Recorder file.


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You crashed using file/open? Did Mammoth work properly before applying this .bat file?

It looks like at the very least you haven't built a json database yet. Does the path in your mammothpath.ini point to the APB installation you wish to pull from/push to?

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22 hours ago, ChopBam said:

You crashed using file/open?

Yes, a CTD

22 hours ago, ChopBam said:

Did Mammoth work properly before applying this .bat file?

Don't know, I read the documentation and executed the the .bat before I ran mammoth.

22 hours ago, ChopBam said:

Does the path in your mammothpath.ini point to the APB installation you wish to pull from/push to?



I am now getting a dump and not just a CTD, don't know what changed.


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When the mammothpath is pointing to the correct game installation folder, the program always runs fine for me otherwise out of the box. Unfortunately I'm unable to look at crashdumps, but maybe someone else on the team can. Can you perhaps post here what the "GamePath" actually is in your mammothpath ini file?

Maybe a bit off topic but why do you put a folder called a-path-beyond-sdk-master inside another folder titled a-path-beyond-sdk-master..?

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1 hour ago, ChopBam said:

Can you perhaps post here what the "GamePath" actually is in your mammothpath ini file?

[Game Path]
GamePath=C:\Program Files (x86)\W3D Hub\games\apb\release
1 hour ago, ChopBam said:

Maybe a bit off topic but why do you put a folder called a-path-beyond-sdk-master inside another folder titled a-path-beyond-sdk-master..?

Oh, that's what Windows does by default. I know it's stupid. :rolleyes:



Edit: Maybe I should try to put the GamePath in quotes?

Edit edit: Tried that now I can open hostile waters and only hostile waters.

Edited by LeonardMT
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8 hours ago, LeonardMT said:

Edit edit: Tried that now I can open hostile waters and only hostile waters.

This sounds like a very strange issue to me. Before you open any levels, do you see the presets listed on the righthand side? (the objects inside the folders)

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On 2/22/2023 at 1:27 PM, LeonardMT said:

Doesn't look like it....

This indicates to me that Mammoth isn't hooked up to your game install properly, which is why I asked about the mammothpath. If that path is correct, I'm not sure what the problem is..

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Alright I moved the sdk to C:\a-path-beyond-sdk-master\ and Mammoth to C:\a-path-beyond-sdk-master\LevelEdit\mammoth.exe, redid the Associate_Mammoth_with_lvl_files.bat and made my mammothpath.ini to this:

[Game Path]
GamePath=C:\Program Files (x86)\W3D Hub\games\apb\release

And now it looks like Mammoth is linked up:


However it's now crashing with a .dmp when trying to open anything even hostile waters:hurr:


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  • Solution

Hey Leonard, I'm actually experiencing the same problem if I open the example .lvl files using the SDK Mammoth. I suspect it's related to the JSON revamp that took place within the last couple years, which completely changed how the database files are read and stored. This was never truly tested with the SDK, so we'll be looking into it and pushing a solution once we find it. Thanks so much for pointing it out!

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Alright everything now mostly works, however I have a few questions: how do I build the global object database? What about extracted levels? How can I get the database for those? One of the reasons why I wanted to try out the sdk is to try to rebalance weapons in a way that I see fit and it looks like that weapon rules are stored on per map basis am I correct? Also after taking a closer look at the presets I have so many questions but that's for another thread :P

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8 hours ago, LeonardMT said:

how do I build the global object database?


8 hours ago, LeonardMT said:

What about extracted levels? How can I get the database for those?

How are you converting them for use in Mammoth? There's no .lvl file in the .mix files. The only way I know of is using the ancient LevelRedit program and as far as I know that hasn't worked for many years. In any event, only the example level files are supported for public use in the SDK, for now.

8 hours ago, LeonardMT said:

One of the reasons why I wanted to try out the sdk is to try to rebalance weapons in a way that I see fit and it looks like that weapon rules are stored on per map basis am I correct?

No, they're stored in the global presets.

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8 hours ago, ChopBam said:


17 hours ago, LeonardMT said:

What about extracted levels? How can I get the database for those?

How are you converting them for use in Mammoth? There's no .lvl file in the .mix files. The only way I know of is using the ancient LevelRedit program and as far as I know that hasn't worked for many years. In any event, only the example level files are supported for public use in the SDK, for now.

Oh I just assumed that they were in the *.mix.

8 hours ago, ChopBam said:
17 hours ago, LeonardMT said:

One of the reasons why I wanted to try out the sdk is to try to rebalance weapons in a way that I see fit and it looks like that weapon rules are stored on per map basis am I correct?

No, they're stored in the global presets.

Oh, how do I go about modding those?


Well I hope I can transfer some of my HL2 mapping experience to W3D.

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2 hours ago, LeonardMT said:

Oh, how do I go about modding those?

Those handy presets at the right side that weren't showing up before and are showing up now--expand the folder Munitions, and then you'll find the various Ammo, Explosion, and Weapon presets inside their respective folders. You can double click on a preset to edit its settings. To save, go to Presets --> Save Presets (same thing I shared above in a screenshot). You could also Export presets if you want to test it in game. What these functions do is generate a new objects.ddb for you. It will need to be in the game's data folder to have any effect, and naturally its presence will make your game incompatible for online play in the official servers.

It is of course also possible to edit them for custom maps and then you wouldn't need to edit objects.ddb.

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