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  • Common Abbreviations


    Here is a list of common abbreviations used in Renegade: (alphabetical by abbreviation)

    • afk = Away from Keyboard
    • agt/guard = GDI Advanced Guard Tower
    • air/strip/as = Nod Airstrip
    • AOW = All Out War
    • APB = Red Alert: A Path Beyond
    • APC = Armored Personnel Carrier (from either team)
    • arty/art/mobart = Artillery
    • att/atk = Attack
    • b2b = Base to Base, shooting from your base to the enemy base
    • bar/barr/bars/brax/rax/barix = GDI Infantry Barracks
    • BC = Black-Cell (and their servers)
    • bh = Big Head (Cheat)
    • bhs = Black Hand Sniper
    • bk = BaseKill (killing buildings)
    • bot = The computer-controlled "Host" that processes commands like !bind or !minelimit, or computer opponents in modded maps
    • br = BrenBot, a second generation server moderation Bot created by Blazer
    • BR.NET = BlazeRegulator.NET, an old bot that isn't used much any more
    • bs= bullshit-lang
    • CCM = Command and Conquer Mode - same as AOW
    • chopper/heli = Helicopter, Orca or Apache
    • CTF = Capture the flag
    • CS = CloudyServ, a server moderation bot created by CloudyOne
    • CW = Clan War/Clan Match
    • cy/con/Conyard = Construction Yard
    • DA = Dragonade, the server side modification used on Black-Cell.net's servers instead of SSGM
    • def = Defend
    • DM = DeathMatch
    • doza = Mendoza
    • DS = DragonServ, the bot used on Black-Cell.net's servers
    • engie = Engineer
    • flame/flamer/ftank (rarer)/bbq (=barbecue) = Flame Tank
    • fr = Final Renegade (Cheat)
    • ffs = For F***'s Sake - Lang
    • fps = Frames Per Second
    • ftw = For The Win
    • fu = F*** you - Lang
    • g3k = Geek - Insult
    • gg = Good Game
    • ggg/ggg! = Go Go Go
    • gj = Good Job
    • gt = Guard Tower/Good Try
    • gta = Grand Theft Auto/Stealing teammate's vehicles
    • gl = Good luck
    • harv/harvy = Harvester
    • hax = Hacks/Cheats
    • hc/hillcamp/h2b = Hill Camping - camping on the hill on Hourglass and attacking the enemy base
    • hon/hand = Hand of Nod
    • hot/hottie = Hotwire
    • hs = Headshot
    • hummer/hum/humv = Hummvee
    • inc = incoming
    • ion/ICB = ion cannon beacon
    • irc = Internet Relay Chat
    • kbps = Kilobits per Second, an indication of how much data the server is sending your way
    • lcg = Laser Chain Gun (as in LCG Black Hand)
    • lang = Language (swearing)
    • light/ltank/lt/lank = Light Tank
    • lol = Laugh(ing) Out Loud
    • mammy/mam = Mammoth Tank
    • master = rank given to an Orca/apache flyer. Person with a medium experience lvl.
    • mct = Master Control Terminal
    • med = Medium Tank
    • mrl = Mobile Rocket Launcher
    • mine = Mine, proximity C4
    • mob/mobi/n00bius = Mobius
    • MPF = Multi Player Forums
    • n1 = Nice One
    • nj = Nice Job
    • noob/n00b/n00bie/nub = Usually referes to a new player, a very bad player or both also the rank given to a person new to flying in Orca/Apache.
    • noobjet = Ramjet Rifle/someone using a Ramjet Rifle to pick off people in 1 shot when the Barracks/Hand of Nod is destroyed or shooting vehicles with it
    • np = No Problem
    • NR = NightRegulator (another relatively common bot used on servers)
    • ns = Nice Shot
    • nt = Nice Try
    • nuke/NSB = nuclear strike beacon
    • ped = Beacon Pedestal in the Barracks and Hand of Nod, usually said to indicate a beacon has been placed on it.
    • PIC = Personal Ion Cannon, also refers to the Prototype/Personal Ion Cannon Sydney
    • pilot = A rank given to Orca/Apache drivers. A medium experienced flyer
    • pp = Power Plant
    • pro-master = highest rank of a Orca/Apache pilot. Given to only the best of their branch.
    • pt = Purchase Terminal
    • ob/oby/obi/obby = Nod Obelisk of Light
    • omg = Oh My God
    • rav/rave = Raveshaw
    • ref/tib = Tiberium Refinery (either side)
    • ren/renny = Renegade itself
    • renalert = Renegade Alert
    • rep = Repair
    • rg = RenGuard
    • rgr = Roger
    • rookie = rank given to a Orca/Apache driver with a minimum of experience.
    • RR = Renegade Resurrection
    • rso = Rocket Soldier Officer
    • sbh = Stealth Black Hand
    • ss/screenie = screenshot (press your Print Screen key to take one)
    • SSGM = Server Side Game Manager
    • stfu = Shut The F*** Up - lang
    • stank = Stealth Tank
    • tech/techie = Technician
    • tfg/tfr = Tiberium Fletchette Gun
    • tib = Tiberium (Refinery, Harvester, Tiberium field, Tiberium weapon (as in tib rifle))
    • tibref = Tiberium Refinery)
    • th = Team Hampering/Doing things that hurt your own team
    • tk = Type Kill - Killing a person while they were typing a message.
    • tk (other) = Team Kill - Killing people in your own team
    • ts = tank steal
    • transport/trans = Transport Chopper
    • ty/thx/tnx = Thank You
    • veh/vech = Vehicle
    • vtol = VTOL vehicle (i.e. Orca/Apache/Transport)
    • wf/warf/war/fac/weps = GDI Weapons Factory

    (P.S. Most clans are referred to by their clan tags in casual conversation.)

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