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  • tt.ini

    • Supported Version: W3D Engine 5.0

    [General] Section


    ContinueReloadOnVehicleExit=bool (enables reloading to continue when vehicles are empty)
    VehicleOwnershipDisable=bool (disables the stock Renegade vehicle locking feature to allow e.g. spies to be able to steal vehicles)
    VehicleBuildingDisable=bool (changes how the code determines if a factory is busy, if you have naval/air or you have the sidebar, you will want this off)
    DisableVehicleFlipKill=bool (disables the killing of vehicles when they flip over)
    MapPrefix=string (changes the map prefix for multiplayer maps from the default of C&C_ to something else)
    NeutralVechiclePointsFix=bool (ensures you get points for killing a vehicle even if the players get out of it)
    DrawDistance=float (changes the distance at which stuff gets drawn, also changes matching things in the netcode)
    ScriptsLastTeamTime=int (sets how long the vehicle will remain teamed after you get out of it, set to -1 for infinite time)
    NukeWeatherDisable=bool (disable weather effects for the nuke beacon)
    IonWeatherDisable=bool (disable weather effects for the ion beacon)
    CreditsMultiplier=float (multiplier for how many credits you get for every one score value you get)
    DisableOnFire=bool (disables some "when you are on fire, you can't shoot" code for soldiers)
    MultiplayerTutorialEnable=bool (makes the tutorial run in a special version of skirmish mode rather than in single player mode)
    MultiplayerTutorialTeam=int (what team the player should be in the multiplayer tutorial mode)
    StreamedSoundBufferSize=int (controls the size at which a sound becomes a streamed sound, you can only have one streamed sound playing at once)
    ScriptZoneDebug=bool (enable this to make script zones visible in-game for debugging purposes)
    SectorDebug=bool (enable this to make pathfind sectors visible in-game for debugging purposes)
    PortalDebug=bool (enable this to make pathfind portals visible in-game for debugging purposes)
    PathfindingDebug=bool (enable this to make pathfind web paths visible in-game for debugging purposes)
    HUDDebug=bool (enable this to show HUD element extensions in-game for debugging purposes)
    DialogDebug=bool (enable this to show dialog element extensions in-game for debugging purposes)
    StealthShader=string (shader fx file to use for the stealth effect)
    UndergroundShader=string (shader fx file to use for the underground effect)
    NewUnpurchaseableLogic=bool (special case logic if you are using the old PTs and are using certain features related to air and naval, chances are you want this enabled)
    RefillLimit=float (limits how often you can refill)
    DisableKillMessages=bool (disables the stock kill messages if you have custom ones instead)
    DisableSP=bool (disables the "single player" button from working)
    HidePassengerRadarIcons=bool (hides icons for vehicle passengers on the radar)
    LoadingMusic=string (sets the music track for when a player is loading)
    OverrideHelpWithNewEncyclopedia=bool (if set to true, replaces the help menu with a version of the old SP encyclopedia)
    SidebarHUDEnabled=bool (set this to false to disable the rendering of the HUD while the ingame sidebar is open)
    SidebarDescriptionCostEnabled=bool (set this to true to show the cost of the selected unit in the sidebar, next to the description, uses IDS_MERCH_DESCRIPTION_COST for translation)
    SidebarBuyButtonEnabled=bool (set this to true to show an exclusive buy button on the sidebar)
    SidebarShowCredits=bool (set this to true to show an extra text near the sidebar that shows the current credits of the player, uses IDS_HUD_CREDITS for translation)
    GDIBuyTexture=string (texture to display on the buy button for team 1)
    NODBuyTexture=string (texture to display on the buy button for team 0)
    SidebarCostsEnabled=bool (set this to false to disable showing the costs of merch items)
    SidebarNamesEnabled=bool (set this to true to enable showing the names of merch items)
    SidebarCustomCostsEnabled=bool (set this to true to enable showing the costs of merch items in the top right corner of the merch boxes, uses IDS_MERCH_COST for translation)
    SidebarCustomNamesEnabled=bool (set this to true to enable showing the names of merch items in the bottom center of merch boxes)
    SidebarExtraSlotsEnabled=bool (set this to true to enable 10 merchandise slots instead of the default 8 slots)
    GDITabTexture1=string (texture to display on the tabbed sidebar's 1st button for team 1, change number from 1 to 2/3/4 for the other tabs)
    GDITabTexture1Selected=string (texture to display on the tabbed sidebar's 1st button for team 1 if active, change number from 1 to 2/3/4 for the other tabs)
    NODTabTexture1=string (texture to display on the tabbed sidebar's 1st button for team 0, change number from 1 to 2/3/4 for the other tabs)
    NODTabTexture1Selected=string (texture to display on the tabbed sidebar's 1st button for team 0 if active, change number from 1 to 2/3/4 for the other tabs)



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