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  • xxx_tt.ini

    • Supported Version: W3D Engine 5.0

     xxx_tt.ini (where xxx is the name of the map, these are the tt.ini settings that can either go in the per-map tt.ini or the main tt.ini)


    [General] section
    AirFactoryVehicleLimit=int (vehicle limit for air factories)
    NavalFactoryVehicleLimit=int (vehicle limit for naval factories)
    VehicleFactoryVehicleLimit=int (vehicle limit for vehicle factories)
    LowPowerDamageScale=float (when buildings are damaged and power is off, the damage is scaled by this amount)
    UseExtraPTPages=bool (enables the extra "secret" pages on the PT, not relavent for the sidebar)
    BuildingRefillDisable=bool (enable this to allow you to require a specific building in order to refill. If the building doesn't exist on the map or its alive, refill works, otherwise its disabled)
    NodBuildingRefillDisable=string (building controller preset for Nod for the above feature)
    GDIBuildingRefillDisable=string (building controller preset for GDI for the above feature)
    NoPowerCostMultiplier=float (what to multiply purchase costs by when the power is low)
    BuildTimeDelay=float (what to multiply build time by when the power is low)
    NewTechLevel=bool (enable the new tech level and factory stuff that works through settings on the presets)
    VisceroidEnable=bool (enable the Visceroid Probability stuff in armor.ini that might spawn a Visceroid when you die)
    OverrideMuzzleDirection=bool (let AI infantry aim their muzzles like player infantry do)
    GDIUpArrowTexture=string (texture for the up arrow on the GDI sidebar)
    GDIDownArrowTexture=string (texture for the down arrow on the GDI sidebar)
    GDIBackgroundTexture1=string (texture for the background upper part on the GDI sidebar)
    GDIBackgroundTexture2=string (texture for the background lower part on the GDI sidebar)
    NODUpArrowTexture=string (texture for the up arrow on the Nod sidebar)
    NODDownArrowTexture=string (texture for the down arrow on the Nod sidebar)
    NODBackgroundTexture1=string (texture for the background upper part on the Nod sidebar)
    NODBackgroundTexture2=string (texture for the background lower part on the Nod sidebar)
    Sidebar=bool (whether to enable the sidebar)
    SidebarSoundsEnabled=bool (whether to enable the sidebar sounds)
    SidebarRefillSound=string (sound to use when purchasing refill on the sidebar)
    SidebarRefillSoundNod=string (sound to use when purchasing refill on the Nod sidebar)
    SidebarRefillSoundGDI=string (sound to use when purchasing refill on the GDI sidebar)
    SidebarInfantrySound=string (sound to use when purchasing infantry on the sidebar)
    SidebarInfantrySoundNod=string (sound to use when purchasing infantry on the Nod sidebar)
    SidebarInfantrySoundGDI=string (sound to use when purchasing infantry on the GDI sidebar)
    SidebarVehicleSound=string (sound to use when purchasing vehicles on the sidebar)
    SidebarVehicleSoundNod=string (sound to use when purchasing vehicles on the Nod sidebar)
    SidebarVehicleSoundGDI=string (sound to use when purchasing vehicles on the GDI sidebar)
    SidebarRefillEnabled=string (enable refill on the sidebar)
    SidebarTabsEnabled=string (enable tabs on the sidebar)
    TabCharacters=int (what tab to put infantry on)
    TabCharactersSecret=int (what tab to put secret infantry on)
    TabVehicles=int (what tab to put vehicles on)
    TabVehiclesSecret=int (what tab to put secret vehicles on)
    TabAir=int (what tab to put air vehicles on)
    TabAirSupplemental=int (what tab to put supplemental air vehicles on)
    TabNaval=int (what tab to put naval vehicles on)
    GDISidebarPowerOnTexture1=string (sidebar power on texture for GDI)
    GDISidebarPowerOnTexture2=string (sidebar power on texture for GDI)
    GDISidebarPowerOffTexture1=string (sidebar power off texture for GDI)
    GDISidebarPowerOffTexture2=string (sidebar power off texture for GDI)
    NODSidebarPowerOnTexture1=string (sidebar power on texture for Nod)
    NODSidebarPowerOnTexture2=string (sidebar power on texture for Nod)
    NODSidebarPowerOffTexture1=string (sidebar power off texture for Nod)
    NODSidebarPowerOffTexture2=string (sidebar power off texture for Nod)
    GDITabTexture1=string (sidebar tab 1 texture for GDI)
    GDITabTexture2=string (sidebar tab 2 texture for GDI)
    GDITabTexture3=string (sidebar tab 3 texture for GDI)
    GDITabTexture4=string (sidebar tab 4 texture for GDI)
    NODTabTexture1=string (sidebar tab 1 texture for Nod)
    NODTabTexture2=string (sidebar tab 2 texture for Nod)
    NODTabTexture3=string (sidebar tab 3 texture for Nod)
    NODTabTexture4=string (sidebar tab 4 texture for Nod)


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