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Showing most liked content on 12/03/2011 in all areas

  1. i actually support Enduar position here. GDI has bullets, explosives, ion cannons, and railguns. I dont see the need for GDI lasers and think it kind takes away from Nods iconic technologies which they have always been known for.
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  2. So you have a problem with her getting an ammo that burns on contact is what your saying? Your either mad about the name or your mad about the function. We tell you that the name means dick and then you switch your argument to the function. Look, we have absolutely no problem with her getting burning ammo. It's a good upgrade. It's awesome. However, what we do have a problem with is your persistent intention to depict it as "laser ammo" (despite incendiary ammo being the logically obvious choice) and, therefore, go completely against the laws of physics, C&C lore, and common sense. Look, I am trying really hard to contain my nitpickiness, but this just makes no sense at all to me. Why name/portray it as a laser? Why give it a beam effect to make it look like a laser? Why not just call it 'incendiary ammo', or at least give it an effect to make it look like incendiary ammo (Ex. APB's DB shot)? I really don't want to give you a hard time about this, but I'm having serious difficulty trying to understand your reasoning here.
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  3. I'm just going to refer to it as 'incendiary ammo', since that's the only thing that it could really be, in every way. As for the effect, why not use a toned-down version of APB's 'Dragon's Breath' shot? That would look awesome and make the projectile clearly an incendiary bullet (or at least not a laser), and then this little argument can be put to rest. Enduar has a point.
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  4. thing is ICE, there is 2 types of logics you need to think of, you only think of real life logic, and to video games, means nothing, for art and real life opertunities thats where that logic is important. then there is programming logic / gameing logic, gthis kind of logic anything can happen weather it makes sence for real life logic or not on the APB LOL map, how does it make sence an ore truck can fly and shoot rockets? it dosent, but in a programming sence, it makes perfect sence and thus why it can happen. the point that wally and myself are trying to make it dosent matter what the ammo is called for these reasons 1) as stated hundreads of times, you will not even see what the munition is called on the weopon you are useing 2) the ammo name is just a value title for programming 3) it is a sci fi game, how does it make scence a walking unit can be more effective then a tracked vehical
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