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  1. Welcome to this long overdue update for Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising. The only project in the entire world that is dedicated to bringing you a Red Alert 2 shooter experience for the low, low price of free! A Message from the Team Red Alert 2: Ablogalpyse Writing Alright comrades, now that the serious stuff is out of the way; grab your pickaxe and stock up on ammo because today's update is related to the Chrono Miner script and new weapons! We also have some pretty new content to show you! Also, happy Halloween everyone! Chrono Miner Scripts As you may know the Chrono Miner is fully working in game. The way a Chrono Miner works when driver by a player is really simple; you drive to the ore patch, harvest the ore, then once you are full of the precious metals, you press Q and boom! You are chronoshifting back to the refinery. Then you can unload the ore to process it into credits for your team and start the whole mining cycle again. An interesting tactic that has become a bi-product of this vehicle's abilities, is the option to use it as a trojan horse of sorts. Chrono Miners can be used to draw the enemy fire, whilst Grizzly tanks hammer away at the base defences. Then, the miners can return to what they were doing previously; since they can simply chronoshift away from the battle and back to the safety of the Allied Ore Refinery. To give you an example, here's a little video. Fort Bradley When we started developing Apocalypse Rising a few years ago, we asked around the community to see whether any of the similar (but dead) projects were able to give us their assets as a headstart. One of the projects we acquired was a Battlefield Vietnam mod called Verge of Armageddon; developed by DarkAngel (yes the very same) and Svensmokavich. A map that came with those assets was a reacreation of the opening mission of Red Alert 2; Lone Guardian. After acquiring a model of the Statue of Liberty from another dead project, dtrngd decided that it was time we had a map that could really sum up what Apocalypse Rising is trying to achieve; a Red Alert 2 FPS experience. What better way than to fill the skies of Manhattan with Kirov Airships and blow up the Statue of Liberty! This map will feature a new game mode: Invasion. In this game mode, Allies will have a base, but Soviets will not. The Allies have to defend points around the city from an airborne Soviet invasion force. What does this mean exactly? Well, it means that all Soviet forces are para-dropped into the battle and must then capture the points in the city in order to win the game. We envision this game mode to play out similarly to Battlefield's Conquest mode, but with a few unique Red Alert 2-esque twists! Country Swing BogdanV started making a new map. This map is based on the RA2 desert-based map, Country Swing. For those of you who don't know what the map looks like in RA2, here is an overview of it. He has started on the map itself in 3ds max which is shaping up to be pretty good. The main point of contention will be the middle choke point of the map, but there will be also ways in which you can flank around to avoid it. AWP Sniper Rifle Romanov has been really cranking out the models lately and the AWP is no exception. This powerful Sniper Rifle is the British Sniper's best friend and it is highly effective against infantry units. Allies will get a 1 in 5 chance to wield this powerful weapon every round, as the country selection won't always land on Britain. However, if Britain is selected then Soviet infantry will definitely have to keep their eyes peeled for that guy who loves to camp; the British Sniper! Javelin Launcher When the Guardian G.I. deploys, he gets armed with this deadly rocket launcher weapon to turn Soviet armour battalions into scrap metal. Shiny! There was a lot of debate over what the Guardian G.I.'s deployed weapon should be. First it was an AT-4, then it was an SMAW, but we've finally settled on the Javelin because of three key points. -The Guardian G.I.'s deployed weapon is called "Javelin" in the RA2 ini files. -In RA2, the weapon appears to be wire-guided, like the real-life Javelin. -The weapon is able to take on both ground and air targets, just like the real-life Javelin. Romanov has done another great job on this. I think we know who the team member of the month (or last few months even) is. Robot Tank Artwork Byamarro has whipped up some great concept for the Robot Tank. This picture gives a look into how the Robot Tank should appear once finished. This is complete with a little satellite on the back so it can communicate with the Robot Control Center. Competition Time So, we've been having a big think recently and have decided to deviate from Red Alert 2 just a tiny bit. Don't worry though! It's a move that is sure to make the game a lot more fun! We want to add a new structure for each faction, but we need you (the community) to design it for us! If you can't make 3d models, then don't worry! You can still submit 2d drawings/images for your entry to the competition! So what do we need you guys to design? Well, he's an explanation of what we're looking for. One thing that we have observed through playing games of Renegade, APB and TSR is the fact that the gameplay slows down and becomes less enjoyable when ingame structures are lost. For example, losing your War Factory and Helipad on Ridgewar in APB after the first enemy rush can make it pretty hard to come back from; not to mention the fact that you have to walk everywhere due to the lack of vehicles. Another example, although not as extreme, would be on TSR's Grand Canyon map. Losing a War Factory on that map can mean for some painfully long walks across the battlefield with little-to-no infantry cover. So what do we intend to implement? The short answer is; a dedicated structure to provide reinforcement units that can be purchased at a higher price than normal once the War Factory or Barracks has been destroyed. It will function kind of like the Starport from the Dune RTS games. We call it the 'Reinforcement Bay'. List of gameplay features: The reinforcement bay is an indestructible structure featured on all C&C-mode maps. Players can use it as a secondary War Factory queue at no extra cost whilst the War Factory is still functional. If the War Factory is destroyed, players will be able to continue buying basic vehicles from the Reinforcement Bay at an increased price. These vehicles will be air-dropped via parachute (a bit like the Nod Airstrip in Renegade). If the Barracks is destroyed, you can buy basic soldier kits from the Reinforcement Bay at an increased price. When the Refinery is destroyed, the Reinforcement Bay will begin producing credits every once in a while (Think of the USA Supply Drop Zone from Generals). The credits will be para-dropped in and give every member of the team a fixed amount; although it won't be as regular as a Refinery dump. The Reinforcement Bay will constantly spawn Supply Trucks (maximum of: 3), this will allow players access to transport even when they don't have any cash. List of design requirements: A minimum of 1 room(s) is/are required to allow players to spawn at the Reinforcement Bay and purchase items. The Reinforcement Bay must have a Helipad/Drop Zone that is large enough for vehicles to land and drive off of. The Reinforcement Bay needs to have a garage that will allow Supply Trucks to spawn and drive out. Basic Concept: Here is a simple model that we threw together to show you guys the type of thing we are looking for (in case you wanted a visual idea). Notice the air pad, the supply truck garage and basic hut-type structure. Competition Rules: You may enter as many times as you like! So if you want to do an Allied Reinforcement bay and a Soviet one, you can! Your entry must be emailed to bluehellproductions@gmail.com, PM'd to One Winged Angel or posted in the competition thread! This competition will close on the 1st of December! This gives you all one month to design your structure(s)! The winner will get their structure(s) modelled and put in-game as the official designs for the Reinforcement Bay! A thread for this competition can be found here! Feel free to discuss your designs and ask any questions you may have about the competition in the thread! Community Announcements! So let's see what the team has been up to! OWA has been meeting up with BHP community members (from left to right: TerrorTowers, TeamWolf, Kane000, OWA) at Comicon London! dtrngd has been working on all manners of Level Edit, using all manners of SVN. danpaul88 has been working on loads of new surprises for you all! Romanov has been modelling and texturing like a boss! TeamWolf has been working on Isle of War! The rest of the team has been gearing back up to tackle some more AR work now that Reborn is out! Also worth mentioning is the fact that we are running a RenAlert 9935 throwback event that kicks off on Monday next week! If you want to find out more, click on the picture below! Finally, the community team extends their invitation to come and join a Halloween TeamSpeak and TinyChat event this evening at 10pm EST/2AM GMT! We'll all be dressing up and getting on camera in the name of Halloween (also so that Venom can add more pics to her collection of course )! So come join us on TeamSpeak at ts.bluehellproductions.com for frightening fun and spooky frolics! The Random Corner! Here's a few funny videos to laugh at before we sign off on this update! We like adding these to show you guys that we have a sense of humour. Some Medieval Fun Times! Some Space Marine Nerdiness And finally! Don't forget to REMOVE GDI! That's all folks! We'll catch you next time for another Apocalypse Rising Update! In the meantime, don't forget to enter our competition and attend the 9935 event next week! Lots of things to do next month, starting tomorrow! If you guys have any questions about the competition or anything else mentioned in the blog, please don't hesitate to ask!
  2. such news very read quality high wow command and conquer so BHP wow
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