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  1. Hey guys! Welcome to the latest Apocalypse Rising Update! We've been letting this one brew for a while, but it's finally time to show you guys what we've been up to. Sorry for the delay! First off before we get into the graphical content, here's a music track to listen to whilst you read; of course, by our resident music maestro, FelipeCZ! Metal Army.mp3 Fort Bradley It seems like a long time ago now, but at the beginning of the year we released a video on moddb that featured a new map! A remake of Fort Bradley, the first Allied mission from Red Alert 2! In the Apocalypse Rising version of the map, you will be protecting New York from the Soviet Invasion by capturing points around the city. Of course, the Soviets will also be trying to do the same so Allies will have their work cut out! We call this game mode 'Invasion'! Those of you who are into the game Minecraft may have noticed that the C&C Minecraft group also did a remake of Fort Bradley recently! Well we are proud to say that we collaborated together to bring you both this video and the Minecraft project! Soviet Sea Invasion! Don't adjust your monitors, because you are reading it right! The Soviets are invading the seas thanks to Romanov! He has been working on the Sea Scorpion and Typhoon Attack Sub! We were originally going to include naval units in a later patch, but we decided that we could implement a couple of soviet units to decorate certain maps with (although the Sea Scorpions might serve as ai defences on some maps to protect against Harrier attacks from the sea). "Good under pressure." The Typhoon is the first naval combat unit available to Soviet players, and requires only a naval yard to construct. Only Allied destroyers and dolphins can detect them while they are submerged. Typhoons are, in turn, also capable of detecting and firing on other submerged units. While the submarines themselves are invisible, the torpedoes are not, which allows an observant player to more or less guess the location of the submarines even if the player can't see the submarines. Typhoon attack submarines can be intentionally surfaced by friendly fire as well. Typhoons also have no defense against aircraft and, unlike the Destroyer, cannot attack ground units. "Nice day for a cruise!" Sea Scorpions can decimate Allied Ospreys, Harriers, Hornets and Rocketeers rapidly with their flak cannon. In numbers, they are a match against a destroyer. With their speed and superb vision range, they can also search the open waters in no time. However, they are relatively frail, so shore defenses or destroyers can pick them off easily. Having no defense against underwater threats also makes them vulnerable to Dolphins. Romanov has paid attention to the details on the ingame model as well as the concept art for the hydrofoil; a unit that would later become the Sea Scorpion. As a patrol boat, the Sea Scorpion is fitted with a flashlight as well as it's powerful flak cannon! Expect this ship to pack a punch! New Units for RC1! Through internal testing, we have discovered that there just aren't enough units to make the gameplay varied across all of the maps. With this in mind, we have decided to reinstate the Mirage Tank and Apocalypse Tank for first release inclusion! We have a feel that the Mirage Tank is a great ambush unit and will be a solid counter to the more solid Apocalypse Tank, whilst the Apoc itself will provide a much needed breakthrough unit for the Soviets to carve a path across the battlefield with. Along with these two units making a comeback, it also gives us the opportunity to include other units as we go along. Who knows, you may see the Battle Fortress and Siege Chopper going onto the purchase lists if they get fully completed! Another unit that we are going to try and push into the first release is the Robot Tank! This amphibious unit will give the allies another route for attack as well as provide them with their own remote-control unit! Romanov has completed the model and the results are fantastic so far! The main advantage of the Robot Tank is that it cannot be mind-controlled. It has a powerful cannon as its primary armament, however it had little armour. Another feature of the tank is that it runs on an advanced hover drive system, allowing it to move quickly, and also navigate over water. Because the tank is stripped down to the essentials, and does not have its own heuristic-based computer to guide it, the tank itself is fairly inexpensive. Robot tanks have no anti-air defence. The Robot Tank is merely the extensions of the robot control center - the tank itself does not possess any intelligence. So, if a Robot Control Center is destroyed or shut down for any reason, all of the Robot Tanks that are currently in the field will also shut down. If the center later comes back online, then the tanks will power up again. Any tanks that happened to be over water when the center was disabled will of course sink, and can not be reactivated. In Apocalypse Rising, the Robot Tanks will not require a Robot Control center initially, but it will be worked in later as an extra structure. Sidebar Graphics AR's resident 2D Graphical Artist, Nuclear_Kommando, has been finishing up his new custom Allied and Soviet-themed sidebars for Apocalypse Rising! Whenever you access a purchase terminal you will be presented with these really nice looking graphics! Not much else to say here as pictures speak louder than words so feast your eyes on the images below! Competition Results! Sorry that this is really late, but we'd like to thank everyone who participated in the Apocalypse Rising "Design a Reinforcement Bay" competition! There were some pretty awesome designs posted in the end, but we are pleased to announce that the team has voted Squid Empire's designs as the winners! Honourable mentions go out to Gezking and Eternity 6 who produced some great concepts using Minecraft and Spore; but ultimately it was Squid Empire who won us over by converting one of his designs into an actual Red Alert 2 sprite! So congratulations Squid Empire! We'll be contacting you shortly so you can join us and help us consult on the interior design of the structure, as well as other bits and pieces relating to the Reinforcement Bay! Team Updates! So what has everybody been doing over these months. One_Winged_Angel celebrated his birthday on the 12th. He's now 24! dtrngd has moved to Germany and is still working on Fort Bradley! danpaul88 has been working on the launcher and getting patches out for reborn. Romanov has just started his fourth year studying computer science! Dee Bingo is back! Killing_You joined the team and has been making sounds! Dawnblaze will be back at the end of February! Teamwolf has been drinking heavily. Triattack has been working on a new APB throwback event (details to follow). The rest of the team are baaaaaaaaaack! Apocalypse Rising Random Corner! In true Apocalypse Rising fashion we have some funny videos to finish off this update with! Goat Simulator! Zlad - Elektronik Supersonik! If you don't know about OpenRA, now you do! See you next time! Hopefully soon yes!
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