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  1. Roundup! Hi everyone and welcome to the latest community roundup! We've put together this update to summarize what has been happening in the community over the course of the past few months! Since the launch of W3D Hub we have seen over 400 users sign up to the forums. This is pretty good, but in the coming months we aim to do much better than that. Here are some of the things that we're working on to help us achieve this! Who is in charge of this community? Over the course of our first few months as a community, I have noticed that there have been a few people who have been speculating on who the actual leader of W3D Hub is. Is it me? Is it Wallywood? Is it danpaul88? Is it (god forbid) TeamWolf? The answer is all of the above! W3D Hub actually has 6 leaders that work together as a council to solve issues together via a democratic voting procedure. This was done to ensure that no one person would be in control of the entire organization. This also helps us to make decisions when people are away. The community heads (in no particular order) are as follows: Lead Launcher & Infrastructure: danpaul88 Leader of Reborn: Wallywood Leader of Apocalypse Rising: One Winged Angel Leader of Battle For Dune: War of Assassins: TeamWolf Leader of Expansive Civilian Warfare: Jerad2142 Lead Website & W3D Tutorials: moonsense715 As well as equally distributing the power at the top of the community, we have also split the lead moderator role into three specific areas. These areas are lead forums moderator, lead server moderator and lead TeamSpeak moderator. The people in charge of these areas are as follows: Advanced forums moderator - Pyryle Advanced server moderator - Triattack Advanced TeamSpeak moderator - Lord_Kane Please feel free to speak to any of these three individuals if you have any problems with any areas concerning W3D Hub's rules, moderation, staff or other members. Please also feel free to approach myself and the other admins as well! I hope that has cleared up a lot of misconceptions about our community! TSR and AR Updates! Tiberian Sun: Reborn and Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising have released a couple of mammoth updates for your viewing pleasure! TSR's update focuses on the inclusion of the Juggernaut as well as several new weapon models whilst AR's has a plethora of new vehicles and the announcement of attack dogs going into the game! Click either one of the two corresponding images below to check these updates out if you haven't done so already! Battle for Dune: War of Assassins Before W3D Hub was launched, we were in talks with the the talented Battle For Dune developers in order to officially move their project across to W3D Hub along with TSR and AR. This has come to fruition recently with test builds of their project now being available on the W3D Hub Launcher. Because W3D Hub aims to be the centre point for all things W3D-engine related, this was a pretty easy decision to make. For those of you who don't know what Battle For Dune: War of Assassins is, then here's a quick synopsis and some screenshots: Although they have been quiet over the course of the past year, work is still being carried out behind the scenes and they are working towards a big content update to show everyone. Please give a warm welcome to LR01, Venom775, Methelina and the rest of the BFD/WoA team! You can find their IndieDB page here for more news, information and screenshots. Expansive Civilian Warfare confirmed for W3D Hub! After talking with Jerad Gray for a long while about the state of the Renegade community in general, we both agreed that it wasn't getting any bigger and isolating ourselves from other mods wasn't the way to move forward with this community. With that being said, after some negotiation, we are pleased to announce that we have formed a modding alliance between ourselves and ECW. So what does this mean? Well it means that ECW will be moving its official forums over to W3D Hub and we will work together to make all of our games better in the long run. Our goal with W3D Hub was to provide a strong knowledge base for the W3D engine and the games that use it, so ECW joining us was a bit of a no-brainer for both parties. Moving forward, we will share our knowledge of the engine with each other to produce some great games. The new dog skeletons for AR and other games are a prime example of this at work! So give the ECW team a warm welcome and go check out the game if you haven't done already! It will be on the W3D Hub launcher soon enough, so there will be no excuses! Tiberian Dawn Those of you who have been around the community for a long time may remember the Tiberian Dawn mod for C&C3 that was started by Aprime and continued by Kushan and Duuuude007. Unfortunately this project was put on hold a while back with no signs of it being completed. Today we are proud to announce that this mod is back and being headed up by Bro888 of War Studio as well as community veterans Ric, Nyerguds and Soviet_Deso! The mod needed a place to call home, so the team got into contact with us and we were only too happy to oblige! Look forward to more updates from this revitalized project in the coming months! Also, check out their ModDB page here! Scripts 4.2 officially released! For those of you who play Renegade, Scripts 4.2 was recently fully released. It contains a ton of fixes, and some new content as well. You can get more details by clicking here. Launcher & Website Upgrades danpaul88 and moonsense715 have been working on improving the launcher and the website respectively! The launcher has had several upgrades made to it so that it now supports pulling news from the website! Now players will be able to get the latest info right from ther launcher! Read more about it here! You may have also noticed that our website has undergone a major upgrade. How we have media tabs packed with screenshots and videos, information about the games we host and links to handy bits and bobs. We also have an affiliates area! If you run a community and wish to become an affiliate please contact us at dev@w3dhub.com Superhound Social Media Some of you guys have been asking about social media groups, so here's a link to what we currently have setup! Please share these pages to your friends! Tutorials moonsense715 has been hard at work creating a database of tutorials for W3D Hub. These tutorials will help new users get to grips with the W3D engine and learn how to add content and make their own games! Our goal is for us to make the engine more accessible so that more people have a go at W3D modding. We'll be bringing our downloads system online in the coming months to support this! The new tutorials can be found here: https://secure.w3dhub.com/forum/index.php?showforum=171 Generalcamo has also made a new thread containing the latest game SDK hosted on GitLab! You can find that here: https://secure.w3dhub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=415126 We aim to completely support anyone making mods and maps, so if you're looking for some extra knowledge, feel free to make a thread here and we'll help you out! New Arrivals Since W3D Hub has launched, we've had a number of new and familiar faces rejoin the community, here's a quick summary of who's back and who's new! oxi, ex-webmaster of MP-Gaming and the creator of the legendary oxistats system has returned to help us by assisting danpaul88 with the front-end for our brand new stats system. oxistats 2.0, W3D Hub stats or whatever we decide to call it will be exclusive to W3D Hub games, but we shall be providing a plugin for servers so that they can upload to the stats system so that players on the third party servers can still get global stats tracking. More on this soon. Aircraftkiller (now known as Synaesthesia) has also joined our ranks. You may have seen his highly impressive GDI Titan that will hopefully be making its way in-game soon. He brings a wealth of knowledge from the 3D industry, as well as many years' experience working on Renegade mods. Despite popular belief, he is not just a big jakas. We are still waiting for him to fulfill his promise of a map with a conyard and a single player power plant however. Generalcamo has also joined the team and has been working up a storm on TSR. With the absence of a proper game designer to work in Commando Level Editor, he has stepped up to the plate and has taken responsibility. Please give him a warm welcome to the team! He has also been working on some graphical improvements for both TSR and AR, and should be showing off his work soon! From the recently defunkt Cinergy community come Mauler and Roszek. Mauler is an accomplished renegade modder with several tutorials and projects under his belt. Roszek is also a familiar sight around the Renegade Forums and is also very talented. Together we hope that we can create a strong alliance between these two communities and work together for a strong future of W3D modding. DarkAngel and Mick have also come back to rejoin Reborn. Both of these guys were on the previous Reborn team before it was dissolved. Both of them bring back a wealth of knowledge in 3D art and old school Reborn. Please give them a warm welcome back to the fold. White Wolf has rejoined our team as well, and will be cooperating to build up our wiki! More info on that later. Last (but not least), we have two individuals with massive LEGO collections (along with Jerad2142 that makes 3 epic Lego collections!) Yes that's right, I'm talking about Zee Hypnotist and AZ-Stalker! Zee's going to be making some more promo videos like this one as time goes on whilst AZ will be handling both inbound and outbound news around the community. Please give everyone a warm welcome! We hope that with this extended team, we can really get down to business and revitalize the W3D community. That's all for now! This is just the start of the bigger plans to come! Please stay tuned for more upcoming announcements and news!
  2. Alright, people! You've caught my attention! Now, here's my thoughts on the matter, using the old instructions manual (Windows 95 version, not DOS) for references. Let's dial this back to 1996, when the game first came out, and for the sake of argument, let's consider weapons that only existed around that time. And let's also be realistic: so, having a trooper carrying an M134 Minigun with an ammo bagpack and feed belt might work in theory, but this guy would literally have to be Arnold Schwazzenegger (as he is the only person I know of who has actually lifted a Minigun...which is one reason why they gave it to him in Terminator 2-because he was the only person who could actually lift the heavy SOB); so giving it as standard-issue equipment to every infantryman is completely impractical. They'd be too slow, they'd be big fat targets, and I don't see a fire team of these guys fitting into APCs. Alot of assessments here are very good so far! So, if you're talking infantry only, on GDI, you'd see your infantry use NATO standard weaponry based on their home country. Expect to see riflemen carrying Calico M-950 Semiautomatic Rifles (U.S., according to imagery), SA-80 L85A1 Automatic Rifles (United Kingdom), G3s (Germany), AK-47s (Russia), and the like. Grenadiers of course would employ hand grenades, like the M61 or M67, but in modern war, hand grenades can only go so far, so infantry would likely employ the M203 40mm Grenade Launcher underbarrel attachment, M-79 breech-loaded 40mm grenade launcher, or if Russian, the GP-25. Pistols can be an assortment of M9s and M1911s. Light machine guns might be too exclusive to elite units at the start of the war, given GDI's budgetary and political constrains, but you might see infantry packing the American M294 SAW or M-60, the British SA-80 L86A1 Light Machine Gun, and Russian PKM or RP-46/RPK. I'd like to think that some technology might exclusively be used only by the Elite Forces Unit (i.e., Rangers, Commandos, Special Forces) at the start of the war. So, even M-16s for Americans might be exclusive only to commandos. Other tech like M-4s, M-82 Barretts, certain optics, thermite, and even some types of body armor might be kept in reserve for the better soldiers, not out of some kind of spite, but because GDI can't afford to give every soldier of its so many variant nationalities a standard weapon systems (save the Calico...useless 9mm piece of crap, no penetration power whatsoever...). I say this because the instructions manual claims the Commando was armed with a "Raptor .50 cali assault rifle" and an unnamed "Sniper rifle." The only Raptor in C&C was the 100-round assault rifle in Renegade. The only .50 cal assault rifle I can think of is the Beowulf, but that didn't exist in 1996. So, you can be liberal and give the Commando any weapon that would fit his/her mission parameters. As for sniper rifles, I'd go with the suppressed PSG-1, Remington M700, M40A1. As for shotguns, I'm going to go with the Italian SPAS-12 or the M590A1 Mossberg; throw the Bayonet on there for added close-quarters measure. For antitank detail, you're going to see troopers packing the M-72 LAW and M136 AT-4. Russian soldiers of course might use the RPG-7. Later in the war, you'll see soldiers packing Redeyes or FIM-92A Stingers for antiaircraft assignments. On Nod side, you'll see troopers armed with a myriad of weaponry based on their home country. In particular, IRA personnel (according to the book, Nod was significantly connected to the IRA, and given the circumstances of 1996 when the Provisional Irish Republican Army broke the truce with the British government early in the year, it leads to good recruiting opportunities for Nod), you're going to see AR-18 Widowmakers in use by IRA personnel. Otherwise, Nod will use anything they can get their hands on, mainly old Soviet technology. For the more exotic weapons, like flamethrowers, you might go with the American M9A1 or Soviet LPO-50.
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