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Showing most liked content on 06/22/2018 in all areas

  1. InfantryAnimations Idle animations are now working again! And unlike in the older releases where they did work, they can no longer occur while crouching, so now they won't screw you over if you're trying to hide from people or shoot base defenses from behind cover. Taunt/emote animations are now working again! These are bound to the numpad keys by default; if you don't get them automatically bound when entering your first game, you'll have to bind them yourself in Esc > Options > Extended Options. Row 7-9 contains kicks and punches (still completely harmless), row 4-6 contains salutes, and 0-3 contain 4 assorted other emotes. Unlike in older releases where they did work, they can no longer cancel fall damage. Be aware that 2 old limitations are still here - they can't be used in offline mode (it was MUCH easier to add the taunt scripts to the soldiers via server plugins) and Tanya is still incapable of taunting (the animations aren't compatible with the female skeleton). RPG Trooper Now has his facial hair back! (It got removed back when he and the Grenadier were merged into the same unit and thus the brown fatigues became an alt camo sharing the same face, but I forgot to revert it when the "old-style" Grenadier returned as a separate unit) Volkov AP ROF up (2 -> 3) AP damage up (22.5 -> 25) AP now fires incendiary slugs, which can deal a small additional amount of fire damage and inflict slow burns. Both weapon ranges increased drastically (100 -> 120m) Added scopes to both weapons (forgot to include these before - still waiting on a proper "box art eyepiece" scope texture though; he's currently using the Enfield scope as a placeholder) Price up (1500 -> 1800) Offline Spectator No longer just a faster groundbound infantry with superjumps - it can now fly, noclip, and cycle through the viewpoints of bots by pressing Q if you have bots enabled. Since it's actually worth messing with now, I might as well say how to use it. In offline/LAN mode/skirmish/whatever you want to call it, press F8 to open the console, then type chchar 1 spec Vehicles Light Tank Reload time up (1.2 -> 1.25 sec) Artillery Price up (750 -> 900) Fixed oversized projectile hitbox. Phase Tank Splash damage down (25 -> 22.5) Tesla Tank Damage multiplier to buildings up (0.18 -> 0.1875) Yak Holding spacebar while moving forward on the runway no longer slows you down (which led to instadeath on takeoff) Splash radius down (12 -> 10) Damage received from Redeyes increased by 25% Damage received from APCs increased by 16.67% Submarines Tweaked underwater fade to be less saturated (and therefore less blinding) but still thick enough to make it difficult to see through.
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