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Showing most liked content on 07/10/2019 in all areas

  1. Hello, and welcome to another update from the Ground Zero team! In this update, we go over limited ammo mechanics, supply depots, the new Heavy Gunner class, and more! Limited AmmoYes, you read that right. As we push ourselves in a more realistic direction, we are reintroducing the concept of limited ammo for all weapons, including those mounted on vehicles. But fret not! While you won't have the traditional unlimited ammo, you will have plenty of ways to keep yourself supplied. For starters, you will always be able to resupply at your base, either from purchase terminals or service depots. As for resupplying outside of your base, don't worry. We have some options there. Supply Depot In Ground Zero, there will be several neutral structures that you will be able to capture, but one of the most important will be the Supply Depot. While we haven't hammered out the specifics of how it will work *quite* yet, we do know that it will resupply your ammunition. Aircraft, vehicle, or infantry, you can rely on this structure to keep your munitions in top stock. So you'll have your home base, supply depots, and of course supply trucks to keep you supplied in Ground Zero. But wait, there's more! In addition to dedicated structures and dedicated vehicles, we'll also have an infantry class whose job it will be to keep you supplied. Heavy Gunner While our original roster was mostly well-rounded, it was determined that we could use a class who could resupply his comrade's ammunition. Thus, we have decided to add the Heavy Gunner class. Here's how he works; His primary weapon will be a machine gun, and his secondary weapon will be an ammo cache. His machine gun will have a high ammo capacity and high rate of fire, but low accuracy. He will also be able to deploy his MG to a stationary position in order to greatly increase his accuracy at the cost of movement. His ammo cache, on the other hand, will be able to be deployed and resupply any ally in a short radius for a limited amount of time. All of this heavy equipment will make him a bit slower than his squadmates. This will hopefully keep him from being a "better Minigunner," while still giving him an important role to fill. At 200 credits, he will more than pay for himself in the field. Now, there is one more thing that will keep him from being a better minigunner. I hope you're sitting down, Commander. RecoilYou read that right! The scripts team has made a monumental breakthrough and implemented recoil into the W3D engine. While it's up to the heads of the individual projects whether or not to use this feature, you can expect Ground Zero to make extensive use of it. Check it out in action! (NOTE: None of the models, textures, or sounds are final) Big thanks to the entire scripts team, but especially to @Yah-Nosh and @CMDBob for putting in the work to make this happen in the first place. ConclusionThanks for reading! We'll have more juicy stuff in the next update! [blurb]The Ground Zero team has provided another update! Check out details on the new infantry class, limited ammo, and more![/blurb]
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