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Showing most liked content on 09/09/2019 in all areas

  1. Hello, and welcome to another update from the Ground Zero team! We're not beating around the bush this time around, we've got some stuff to show you, courtesy of ICE! GDI Medium TankIn between heavy work on TSR 2.0, ICE has been chipping away at converting the Allied Medium Tank into a GDI Medium. For starters, he's removed some props that are unique to the Allied Medium, and will soon move to modernizing the base, adding some cool GDI props, and wrap it in an awesome texture! Here's an sneak preview! GDI MP5SDMan, this MP5 model has been getting a lot of use. Originally intended for AR's Navy SEAL, it has also seen use in APB as the Medic's weapon of choice, and now ICE has modified it for GDI's Commando. This will be ideal for infiltrating the enemy base, where you will be able to plant some C4 and blow Nod to kingdom come. Original model by @Ric, texture by TheBeerinator, model/texture modifications by @Ice Conclusion Well, I'm definitely happy to have shown off something tangible. We're one step closer to seeing this dream being realized! I'll have more stuff for you next time, so see you then! [blurb]The Ground Zero team has stopped idly talking, and have unveiled a behind-the-scenes look at the new Medium Tank, as well as the MP5SD! Come check it all out![/blurb]
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