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  1. Was there even a time signature at the end? It feels all muddled, difficult to define. Definitely a cool effect, take that as a compliment and not a nitpick haha. I wish I had time/talent to make cool music like that. Keep it up!
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  2. I was not present obviously, but from the exchange I see here, @Kickmofo you have handled this appropriately and with accordance to our rules, the upholding of which you are also bound. People often do not realize the other side of rules is that those with responsibility have an obligation to carry out their duties, even when it may be unpleasant. I'd like to address something else though. @WNxHeadShot One more statement like this will result in action from far above Kickmofo. We don't do threats here, and you'd do well to not forget that. I really don't care if you hate the guy, or me for that matter. If you would like to continue using any of our services, then you'll not make any more threats more serious than "hey Ima nuke ur base d00d". Consider this a formal warning. Now you bois go play and have fun and stuff
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