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Showing most liked content on 01/25/2020 in all areas

  1. It's refreshing to see this guide still finding use. Welcome, sicanjal! Glad you found us and can play our games. Hopefully Veyrdite or someone also knowledgeable in Wine may be able to answer your questions.
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  2. Thanks Veyrdite for the guide! It's cool that wine has been looked into and I'm pleased to say I've got APB running nicely out of the box! Tested on wine-5.0-rc6 on Arch Linux; the install for me can be summarised as: export WINEARCH=win32 export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-w3dhub winetricks dotnet461 wine ./w3dhub_launcher_0.10.0.0_install.exe Regarding 32/64bit WINEARCH - is there a particular WINEARCH that is recommended for W3D Hub? I tested this initially with the default (mixed 32/64), but APB occasionally locked up when it tried to load a map. Seemed to be solved when I swapped it to a 32-bit WINEARCH - is it safe to assume that we'd be working with mostly x86 binaries for W3D Hub? The only remaining issue I have is that the launcher will crash if you open up the "Login" form then click on the password field - as soon as that field gets focus it falls over with the following: 0009:err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"Application: W3D Hub Launcher.exe\nFramework Version: v4.0.30319\nDescription: The application requested process termination through System.Environment.FailFast(string message).\nMessage: Unrecoverable system error.\nStack:\n at System.Environment.FailFast(System.String)\n at MS.Inter"... (ellipses in original message) I'll continue digging to see if I can find a work around with this (may try wine-staging as well to see if a version bump helps)
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