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Showing most liked content on 09/20/2020 in all areas

  1. I have not published anything special for quite some time. So, to compensate that emptiness, here it is, a long-awaited interview with Frank Klepacki about Tiberian Sons, Red Alert, new album, and also about few other things. After release of Coded Number in Spotify (that was awesome to hear that Spotify is now in Russia too, that was a shame for us to not have that) and in other services, we had awesome conversation which was, of course, planned two years ago when we were talking about Transform and how it has come to my hands. Enjoy, boys, you are doing great games on W3D Hub engine, so keep rockin' together with Frank! >> Interview with Frank Klepacki, two days after release of his new music album Coded Number <<
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  2. But not really, I love it. Keep up the good work!
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