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Showing most liked content on 03/31/2022 in all areas

  1. Good Evening Sherman, You've been banned from IA due to team hampering events previously in APB and IA along with using multiple computers tracked to the same IP location to benefit yourself. (IA Logs and reasoning) (APB Logs and reasoning) Your ban has come from a multitude of reasons being 1. Obvious team hampering in APB 2. !swap spamming in APB after being told to stop from a Staff Mod 3. Team hampering previously in IA with action being taken by two Server Mods 4. Acknowledgement from you of team hampering in APB 5. Using two computers to inbalance the game how you'd like. 6. Managing to get 24hr banned after already getting perma banned on anouther account a week earlier. (Seriously?) 7. Realistically not caring in any form what you've done through your appeal thus far. I'm not going to wait to hear about you Team Hampering again in discord. I am not going to keep track of your smurf names or be forced to babysit you in-game. You will stay banned from IA unless @Yap or @Dblaney says otherwise.
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