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Showing most liked content on 07/04/2022 in all areas

  1. Well, it isn't because we didn't want to do a VR port... Thats a complicated subject itself and quite unrelated to this. Simply put, WE are the wrong team for such a task. We do W3D. Not C&C, but W3D - the engine, and all games related to that. We're dead and we know it, right? Isn't that what everyone says about us nowadays as some sort of jab to try to pressure us to leave the only thing we know? Okay then. We are hobbyists, and this is the hobby that we have chosen. I hope someone does do a set of VR C&C games, as that would be super cool. But unless we suddenly make some huge advances, and all of us can afford to put that kind of time and effort into a HOBBY, then it can't be our team. We are going to continue to build and improve on the platform that we know. And who knows? Maybe someday W3D itself will support VR (if we pick up someone who has the time, resources, and ability to do that for us)
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