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  1. I've read some pre-release articles of Red Alert a while back and found some extra evidence other than the internal editor in the game and manual that the Allies were meant to have 2 campaigns. This article is quite early with the game being 3 months in development. https://archive.org/details/Computer_Gaming_World_Issue_140/page/n47/mode/2up Spain would be their Northern HQ with Greece being the Southern HQ. More evidence to this is also in the game's original manual under their military information. Madrid, Spain, but being their Southern HQ, It's swapped in the game's editor for some reason. Oslo, Norway, so no idea why you're Greece then. With London being the Unified Operation for England, they're commonly seen as a support house in official missions. Spain missions are written as SCSxxea.ini which isn't re-used anywhere else. While we got early NATO mock-up screenshots with Spain present and the E3 map we restored, But I can't really say if the story would of been different, how much was leftover, or combined with the single Allied campaign. But I suspect some of them may of been borrowed for the Allied Counterstrike missions, since they fit well with the original story that wasn't covered in the Allied campaign such as sarin gas; unlike the Aftermath missions which have nothing to do with the campaign.
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