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Showing most liked content on 02/08/2023 in all areas

  1. Apaches and Comanches don't need any sort of buff, especially the Comanches. The AT Comanche is extremely good against most tanks while also being stealth which is extremely powerful. You can patrol around the map while being completely undetectable and get behind enemy aircraft and easily kill them in a few missiles. The escort one is only useful for one thing and not many people know it, the laser pods secondary attack WILL destroy a 36 Mammoth in just 2 or 3 bursts granted he doesn't have any other teammates behind him. The apache is more or less just a way to get on the cliffs and destroy defenses with a rocket soldier, it only costs 800 but the AT one can be useful on certain maps where you can get behind cover. The Kawasakis also have just one role, while they're decent at killing tanks, people usually mass them to rush obelisks and such. I wouldn't say that they need either a buff or a nerf, maybe just increase the detection range so you can counter Comanches better. Orca Fighters used to be very good, I have no idea why they were nerfed to this point where you basically need to be point blank to use the alt attack. They should get a armor buff/change to be able to counter hinds without getting wrecked in two bursts. Hind - Yes. Chinook with airlift would break most games since you could just airlift some stronger tanks to the cliffs or edges of the Nod base. You wouldn't even need to go around. Maybe increase the missile damage against Hinds since currently it's the only GDI air unit that doesn't die in literally 1 burst, the other being the orca fighter which dies in 2.
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