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  1. A couple of months ago, I was inspired to add scrolling marquees to ECW. While digging through the code, I was angered by how poorly so much of it was written, which spooled into a massive refactor and cleanup effort, which in turn spooled into adding some new content. Thus, I give you... Expansive Civilian Warfare - version! New Features: A new boat - the Russian Komar-class missile boat has been sighted in the waters around San Casina! This small but fast boat is armed with 2 KT-67 missile launchers and a 25mm gun. Players can now see all their high scores in game on five scrolling marquees placed around the city. In addition to announcing any disasters currently happening, these will also display the current temperature, as well as any special events that building might currently be having. Housing: Housing Security has been completely redone with the addition of new security camera models, as well as a new security option that upgrades your cameras from the base model to something more powerful. All houses (including apartments) now have security cameras. The apartments now have one free camera that respawns roughly 5 minutes after death. The Mars and Forest houses will keep their 3 free cameras to balance not having a garage. All homes now have a fridge and a weapons safe, which means all homes can now store a combination of 3-5 weapons/items. Housing security zones will now trigger from AI entering them as well. The score for intruding in a house now requires the house to have a security package that detects intruders. “House for sale” signs will now correctly re-appear instantly when the house goes back up for sale. The automatic payment system for security has been reworked; You can no longer pay it a day in advance as before, so be sure to enable auto-pay if you want to keep your security more than 5 days. If the player is in game when their housing and security is renewed, they will now get a message about it. Pets are finally smart enough to use house doors, and will no longer fight with the house defenses. The CZ-75 has been added along with a drum mag that holds 50 rounds. There are three new disasters, two of which you may have already seen some info about. They are very meme-ey, very creative and relatively complex. Fireworks have been added! (These are the same fireworks that were seen in the recent Renegade Event). The portable igloo has been added! This item acts as mini tank trap, but slowly melts when the weather is above 32F. Added 10 new civilian vehicles: Skoda Superb Chevy Volt Volkswagen Golf Subaru Legacy Dodge Viper Chevy Tahoe Honda Pilot Mustang GT Gmax Shipping Truck The M978 Tanker Truck has been added! It can be driven down to the gas station, filled with fuel, and then used as a pseudo bomb truck (mix it with the suicide bomb for extra effect). Roughly 10 new easter eggs have been added! I would expect new players to find these first, as a lot of the easter eggs are in reference to things that already existed but did nothing previously. A total of 4 new perks have been added! Two of them are related to housing. 15 new high scores have been added, mostly related to the new events! Improvements/Changes: Cop AI will now attempt to dodge vehicles as well as move to stay out of their target’s line of fire. The Church bell system has been reworked completely. In the 7 years the bell has been in game I have only heard it ring once, maybe twice, and this was due to multiple issues. One was that a player had to be within 300 meters to see the animation (sound was tied to the animation), and the other was that it only went off twice a day – once at noon and once again at midnight. Now the bell rings on the hour, every hour, one ring per count of the hour (up to 12, then it starts over). The church has been changed into a church for the Cult of Deer, and as such, any prayer/event text has been realigned accordingly. Pepper A Salt gun has been nerfed greatly and will no longer get one shot kills on humans. However, it is now ten times as effective against mutants. The player login streak system now grants the player an extra perk slot if they hold a streak for 10 days or more. However, daily payouts have now been reduced, and each day gives 25k, stacking up to 250k at the 10-day mark. The turrets in the military base now have indicator lights so players know when they have power, or a lack thereof. This is useful for when players cut power to the military base via the wind turbines. In addition, the BWP maintenance boat has had its respawn time increased from roughly 20 minutes up to 1 hour and 30 minutes. The Littlebird has had its exit positions tightened up. This will make it easier to use when trying to get out on top of a small object. Added another pump jack. Hint: It is in a cold area. Large planes like the Boeing 747 and C130 now have collision detection on the wings, so be cautious when flying between buildings. Additionally, they will now have a bit of tilt when they move vertically. The sun is no longer a sad, small, dim spot. I have reverted it to an upscaled version of the stock Renegade sun. There is something about trees here in my notes… not sure what changed, looks pretty much the same to me. The nuclear power plant now has an additional stack of barrels for the Cargo job. The barrels at the nuclear power plant also respawn faster, giving the player more reason to revisit it. Civilian cars now drive more aggressively. I’ve tweaked the way the road point system works so they don’t try to brake instantly when getting to the last point. This will result in more vehicles getting into wrecks, but I think the faster traffic is a massive improvement. Modern clients will now start with extras enabled by default. No more having to type “extras” at the game start to access the second page of the PT menus. The price of the following vehicles has been increased: Abrams AC130 A10 Apache APC Chinook DPV, Harrier Paladin, Hydra Nuclear ICBM Launcher Ion Cannon Satellite Leopard Dropship Mammoth Hovercraft MRLS V22 Osprey Railgun Hover Tank Scud Launcher Urban Defense Vehicle IFV War Train. *The Pirate Ship had its price decreased. Using the redial system on the phone now displays the number pulled up in HUD text like the rest of the dialing system. Made Dusk a bit brighter, also made morning brighter and use more warm colors. Many cars now have different engine torque curves to make them feel more distinct, which results in what often feels like a hesitant transmission. Bug Fixes: The Van now has a proper Multi PT option, allowing you to switch between the white and black version and no longer spawns the broken old yellow model. Vehicle drop cinematics have been tweaked so that they no longer stall during the last second of their animation. Police Littlebird was missing a death explosion when it hit the ground - this has been fixed. The mysterious Tower’s collision has been improved. Fixed a bug with the map voting system that allowed players to change the map after a vote had been completed. The forever ash bug should now hopefully be fixed. It was caused by any item that could be placed, as well as a few things people probably didn’t realize were items (handcuffs). Fixed a bug with the recon plane job that caused its objectives to appear outside the bounds of the map. Players shall no longer witness AI planes flying backwards. The code that caused it has been fixed and we are now free from that blight. AI planes now have proper forward collision detection. Fixed some weapons PT holders disappearing too early due to LOD. Added some way paths that might help the AI navigate odd parts of the map. Renamed all text that had “debit cards” being called “credit cards”. Some minor phone bugs which could leave the call going on until the player hits the clear key have been fixed. Fixed a bug with the disaster system that was not always resetting how much damage the player had done, resulting in players who did not do any damage getting payouts. Fixed a major bug with the military base defenses that would cause them to not fire at targets. This issue turns out to have been caused by the drop-in animation. The drop technically creates them way up in the air, so the defense AI would look at where they were created and then scan from that location, which caused the issue. Changed the turrets and Anti-Missile System in A69 to be of type tank instead of turret, because it turns out that the fly-in was causing their actual position to be desynced client side, which is why sometimes players could not see them shooting when in reality, they were. As a result, for the first time in what feels like 10 years, you will see the Anti-Missile Systems shooting once again! Wii score record is now tracked for the Wiis that can be destroyed. Reduced the default draw distance of the modern client to 1000, as a lot of players struggled to run at 2k with the modern client at a decent frame rate. Improved overall game stability - I doubt I fixed all the issues that caused it to crash on the next map load, but it should be better now. MA_Island should be stable now as well - The map has been re-saved and re-exported, which should fix the issues from script(s) that had missing parameters. The War Train no longer counts as a job, being it is a war vehicle. Made some additional stability fixes to the server; I am not sure if these are actually going to improve anything, but time will tell. A larger patch was planned originally, but a surprise ECW event was created one day before my birthday, so I figured we might as well make the event as big as possible with what is ready. Enjoy! [blurb][/blurb]
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