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  1. Hey everyone, welcome to another Battle for Dune: War of Assassins Infantry Release September Update! "Two updates in one month, what??", "We barely get 3 a year!" I know, what's happened to us?! What's New In this patch? This is a fairly small patch compared to previous ones, but it sure does pack a punch! In this bad boy we've got a tweaked Grenade Launcher, Fixed Building HUD icons, and brand new Shaders! Here's the change List for all this tasty stuff: - Sniper Rifles now lerp into their scopes - Fixed missing Master Volume string - Increased Grenade Launcher Explosion Damage Radius from 4.5 > 6 - Increased Grenade Launcher Explosion Inner Damage Radius from 1.5 > 3.5 - Fixed Building Icons not appearing on the HUD - Added the new Bloom shaders - Added new Outline System to infantry that appear at a distance of 25 meter (2nd Radar ring) New Outline System and Bloom Shader As mentioned above, we've got two cool new features that improve the graphical and gameplay quality of Battle for Dune, but the Bloom Shader (already seen in Tiberian Sun: Reborn) and the brand new Outline System! The Bloom Shader adds a new depth to the look and feel to the lands of Arrakis, making the lighting stand out more and object pop to a greater effect! The Outline system is something new straight off the Romanov press! To break it down for you, it's a process to make readability better for seeing infantry that are close to you. People have been having a lot of trouble on some maps to see House Harkonnen Infantry on night maps and House Atreides Infantry on lighter maps against lighter colours such as cliffs and sand, with this new System it will draw an outline around any Soldier 25 meters away from you. The colour represents the Soldier's team being Yellow for House Atreides and Red for House Harkonnen. The Outline will fade in within the set range, and fade away when exiting the set range from the enemy Soldier. (As displayed in the image below) This was a heavily requested feature in the past, but major thanks to Rapp for really pushing the feature request recently and help making it happen! Saturday Game Night! Come and join us tomorrow at 7pm GMT for our Battle for Dune Game Night! That's it for this double whammy Update! We hope you like the sound of the latest changes and see you at the Game Night tomorrow to try them out!
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