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Showing most liked content on 08/31/2024 in all areas

  1. TSR has been released! We bring you a reworked points system, rebalanced EVA and CABAL voice lines, and adjusted performance! Major frame rate drops have been resolved, and your overall performance should be largely improved! In fact, anything to the contrary is GDI propaganda.[blurb][/blurb] TSR Release *** Important: There are three keys that have moved from the "extended options" to the controls menu, and if you already have the game installed they will be unbound by default. They may be assigned for you if you click "Defaults," or you may add them manually if you want to retain your configuration. "Toggle Flight Mode / Jetpack" under Movement (Default: Q) "Chat History" under Communications (Default: U) "Vehicle Menu" under Communications (Default: Comma or Slash) General - Miscellaneous bug fixes, including that immovable vehicles should no longer crush infantry when bumped. - Reworked the points system, including fixing bugs involved with granting the wrong team points for base building destruction. - Increased money earned from repairing Silos and Service Depots from 8% to 10%. - Removed credit trickle from Refineries (was 2 credits/second). - Added visible map boundaries on all maps. - Rebalanced EVA and CABAL voice lines. - EMP and web modifiers have been fixed to work as intended. - Adjusted some values for performance. Greatly lowered the decal limit. 8192 -> 128 Lowered the DistanceInView value for surface effects. 400 -> 100 - Decreased the BlendScale on the bloom. 0.33 -> 0.15 - Tiberium shrubs are now 2-sided. GDI War Factory - Fixed a stuck spot in the props. - Patched a hole in the floor at the front of the bay. Mammoth Mk II - Adjusted out of combat self repair speed to be more continuous than per second. Combat Healing is still per second. Healing thresholds changed from 25->33% and 50%->66%. - SAM Damage decreased 100 -> 50 - SAM Reload Time increased 1.5 -> 3.0 - SAM Magazine Size increased 2 -> 8 - SAM Rate of Fire decreased 4 -> 2.5 - SAM Burst Delay increased 0 -> 0.6 - SAM Burst Max increased 1 -> 2 - SAM Burst Count reduced 2 -> 1 - SAM Range increased 140 -> 160 - SAM Engage Range increased 120 -> 140 - SAM velocity increased 150 -> 200 - SAM now tracks Harpies. - Removed burst delay. - Chin gun projectile extension increased XYZ 0 -> 0.05 - Mobile EMP - Now affects infantry with disabling stealth. Harpy - Magazine size decreased 100 -> 50 - Total Extra Ammo increased 300 -> 450 - Range decreased 130 -> 120 - Projectile Extension decreased Z 0.1 -> 0.02 Orca Fighter - Missiles now track Mouse (Lockon overrides) - Secondary velocity increased 120 -> 180 Hover MLRS - Damage Reduced 30 -> 25 - Homogenized Explosion damage with other rocket explosions - Missiles now track mouse (Lockon overrides) - Primary Turn Rate reduced 120 -> 60 - Secondary Turn Rate increased 80 -> 120 Wolverine - Range increased 110 -> 120 - Projectile Extension XYZ Increased 0.1 -> 0.15 Attack Buggy - Assigned a weapon reload sound. Attack Bike - Damage Reduced 45 -> 40 - Primary Fire rate of fire increased 3.5 -> 35.0 - Primary Fire Burst Delay increased 0.0 -> 1.14 - Primary Burst Count increased 1 -> 2 - Primary Turn Rate reduced 1200 -> 300 - Secondary Turn Rate increased 90 -> 1200 - Secondary rate of fire decreased 35.0 -> 3.5 - Secondary Burst Count reduced 2 -> 1 - Secondary Burst Delay reduced 0.8 -> 0 - Secondary Tracking Randomization increased 0.03 -> 0.05 - Homogenized Explosion damage with other rocket explosions Reaper - Projectile warhead changed from Bullet AI to Rocket - Web Launcher now costs 0 ammunition - Now correctly affects infantry - Burst Delay reduced 0.75 -> 0.6 - Web Radius increased 8.5 -> 9 - Mouse steering enabled on rockets Stealth Tank - Damage Reduced 30 -> 25 - Adjusted transition zones - Missiles now track mouse (Lockon overrides) - Removed burst fire from alt fire Missile Trooper - Missiles now track Mouse (Lockon overrides) - Primary Velocity reduced 150 -> 90 - Primary Turn Rate reduced 250 -> 100 - Secondary Velocity increased 150 -> 200 Attack Cycle - Secondary Burst Delay reduced 0.9 -> 0.8 - Secondary Turn Rate reduced 95 -> 90 Medic - Range increased 5 -> 10 Enforcer - Alt Fire Damage reduced 55 -> 40 - Alt Fire Rate of Fire reduced 1.1 -> 1.0 - Alt Fire Range Reduced 40m -> 25m Rocket Infantry - Rocket velocity increased 250 -> 300 - Primary Turn Rate reduced 90 -> 60 - Secondary velocity increased 300 -> 500 TS_Anchorage - Re-enabled vehicle blockers. TS_Dam - The infantry tunnels outside the GDI base are now lit yellow instead of red. - Fixed some texture blending at the center infantry tunnel entrances. TS_Field and Field_Flying - Bright grass is no longer emissive. - Fixed reinforcement harvester not moving on Flying. - Removed harvesters from purchase lists on Field. TS_GrandCanyon - Double wide gates in the bases. - It should be easier to get on the road ramp in the map center. - Blended some textures better. - Edited the hard map boundary slightly. - Fixed a hole in the terrain by the tunnel directly north of the GDI base. TS_Isles - Added Tiberium Silos. - Removed back gates and overhang. - Cleaned up water mesh and edges. - Added hedgehogs along coast. TS_Snow - Double wide gates in the bases. TS_TaintedLegacy - Removed the broken tiberium bits next to the large hill crystals. TS_Tiber - Raised civ truck spawns. - Fixed floating objects. - Added ambient sounds. - Removed the broken tiberium bits next to the large hill crystals.
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