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Posts posted by NodGuy

  1. Hello!


    Regarding the Soviet War Factory, would it be possible to attach a red star (see second picture) right here (see below picture).










    About the Soviet Barracks, how about we change the flag from the existing flag to the actual Soviet flag? If not then I understand, I'll just edit the current flag to the Soviet one. :)


    This one regards vehicle camouflage. I was wondering what other players thought about removing the option to change the camouflage and just making them map specific, snow for snow maps, green for green maps, etc.? Maybe do this and then allow to change to the black camouflage as the two options? Is this even possible?


    While we're on camouflage, will soldiers ever get a camouflage option? I noticed that Tanya now has the option.


    None of this is really important for the game but it's something I've been thinking about for a while and I just wanted to get this topic over and done with. :D



    Thanks for reading! :dance:

  2. I'll try it but I never had issues running RA3 at max settings before.


    Edit: The lower the settings go the better the FPS gets. This is pretty weird, but I guess there's nothing I can do about it.

  3. Success! Doing that and then launching the mod from there worked. Well, it didn't at first but I deleted skirmish.ini once again and it works now. Thanks so much!


    Edit: However my FPS is now below 10 at all times in-game. FML.

  4. Is version 1.16 the latest? I disabled Origin in-game for all games and then installed the launchers but when I go to play it just loads up the game, no launch window. I tried launching through Origin and the game folder.

  5. Thanks RA2, I'll try that. Edit: Origin does not have a 'Launch Properties' tab. I tried deleting the skirmish.ini file and then using Desura but the same thing happened.

    I have the Ultimate Collection. I've gotten mods to work a while ago but I don't remember how. :(

  6. I'll try that when I get on my computer next. Thank you.


    Edit: How do I do that? When I open the application's properties I only see the following tabs:




    I'm running Windows 10, I'm not sure if that matters or not.

  7. I have RA3 (Origin) and I use Desura to install mods but when I try to use RA3 mods it appears that they're running fine but I'm unable to actually play. When I try Campaign the game crashes and when I try Skirmish I'm unable to make any changes or even start the match. Pictures below.







    Thoughts on how to fix this? The same thing happens with every mod I try.



    p.s. Fuck Origin.

  8. I can't memorize the commands because they are so different from Renegade and Reborn. I've memorizes the Renegade ones but could never do so for the APB ones, they changed a lot and I couldn't keep adapting :(


    I had this issue also. I play a lot of Renegade X and Reborn where the commands have been the same for so long, but the APB changed with their own VO work. I now know a few of the important ones that are best to know but the odd ones like 'get out of my way' I always forget.


    If you have nothing constructive to provide then don't bother posting.

    Ironic because I mentioned about the possible impact of your suggestion to some players and you replied "dont use it maybe?". lol what a constructive advice on a thread requesting better team voice comm.

    Ok fine, do it your way, we need to spoon-feed new players and old ones who still doesn't know the commands.

    The only negative impact is when people inadvertently press the buttons. That's their fault, not the game's, although I've ever heard of someone pressing the ALT or CTRL buttons by mistake before... so to say that this would be a negative impact would mean one has to do this often, which I highly doubt.


    I'm trying to provide positive suggestions to improve the game for all, new and old. There's a reason Renegade X does it this way - it's simply better than having a delay. If you can't grasp that then feel free not to post in this topic.


    Plus, you never mentioned anything about 'possible impacts', all you said was 'well it's pretty annoying to have that thing shoved in your face when you already memorized them all'.


    There's been times when I wished it would pop up faster...though lately it hasn't been an issue for me since I've memorized the ones I use most. Still, I guess it can't hurt to do this, if it's possible.

    I've memorised all of the important ones but it would still be nice if the page displayed instantly. It's more of a convenience thing.



    well it's pretty annoying to have that thing shoved in your face when you already memorized them all


    Then don't use it, maybe?


    You're the one having problems with it.



    There is no 'problem', I'm simply requesting a feature to speed up the process of relaying voice commands to my team. If you have nothing constructive to provide then don't bother posting.

  11. Is it possible to make it so the CTRL, ALT, and CTRL + ALT commands menu shows up instantly, like how Renegade X does it? I'm probably never going to memorise the commands so it would be great if it didn't take as long to load up the menu.


    Nothing major but just a small suggestion that'll greatly improve my and possibly others experience. Cheers.


    Edit: Wait, it's to stop Kovtillery if the Soviets lose their bridge, isn't it?


    Yeah, though I guess you actually meant the Allies losing their bridge, which probably isn't as much as a problem as I'd thought given how easy it is for Allied infantry to get onto the island, which is why the lighthouse dock is coming back.

    No, I mean the Soviet bridge, if it's destroyed then the Soviets have no way back onto the island, unless they use the Allied route. I thought this would be so Volkov can't cross shallow water and long-range attack the enemy base but then I just realised (after reading your post) that they can get infantry on the island anyway, even if they lose their bridge.


    I guess my question remains: how come the Allies have this option but the Soviets do not?


    Regarding the lighthouse dock, is this for the LSTs? Sounds fun. :)

  13. Is there a reason why the Allied infantry can still get to the island if their bridge is down but the Soviets don't have the same option if they lose their bridge?


    Edit: Wait, it's to stop Kovtillery if the Soviets lose their bridge, isn't it?

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