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Posts posted by NodGuy

  1. On 4/11/2017 at 8:13 AM, Pushwall said:



    • Artillery turret can no longer pivot 1 degree to either side, as this feature complicated aiming without a way to fix the pivot in place.

    This is the only change I'm no fan of, because being able to pivot it side to side really helped me when trying to hit Soviet defenses. It was a lot easier to pivot the turret than move the vehicle left or right.

  2. 1 hour ago, AZ-Stalker said:

    I like it when my team makes a valiant last stand with nothing to loose to defend one useless structure and actually pulls it off to win on points. If you're thinking about removing that options then I'd be against it personally because it would remove that fun factor to make way for faster map rotation.

    But a console command on the other hand, well, if not well regulated could turn into what Renegade X is facing - teams giving up too easily after suffering a rush wound early game.

    It's not a simple matter, even if it seems to be at first. Up to you more experienced fellas. I'm just dropping my 2 personal cents.

    I agree. Some of the best games I've had have been when we done one final rush to victory while having less active buildings than the enemy. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Einstein said:

    Thanks! The reason that it works faster all around can be attributed to the aforementioned nature and design. This can't download games or game updates like the launcher can, nor can it display whether or not the server is online and how many players, ping, etc. Its a one trick pony :D

    That's what this is for. Much quicker to see if players are online using the site compared to loading a launcher. Thus I only need to use the launcher to update the game. :D

    Now we just need a stat page for Reborn, which I'm sure we'll get when Reborn is ready and has the stats implementation that was mentioned in the past.

  4. I like this! It was easy to connect to the official APB server and your application opens and loads faster then the W3D Hub launcher for me. I'll be using this to connect to the server in the future because it's just quicker to use.

    Nice work!

    Edit: My only suggestion thus far is that when you select a new theme have the faction/game logo replace the W3D* logo in the top left corner. ;)

  5. Happy Birthday Command & Conquer Renegade! I remember having my mum purchase this game for me when I was young, I went to a local computer cafe and tried to play online but couldn't get it to work so I just stuck with the campaign. I believe I tried to run around the skirmish maps but couldn't figure out how to get around the need for more players. Eventually I was able to get online when we got our own computer and I had so much fun playing the game. Then I found mods like Reborn and RenAlert (A Path Beyond) which made me appreciate the game even more.

    Hopefully one day Reborn, A Path Beyond, and the others will have as many players as Renegade has had in the past. That's something I definitely look forward to seeing.

  6. Yay I'm able to reply now! :D

    I'm most looking forward to Reborn, I always come here hoping to see another update. I still enjoy A Path Beyond but having Reborn to play would be awesome too. I'm not too excited for the other games, and I worry that they will thin out our current playerbase too much when released, but I'm sure you guys have already put thought into this.

  7. I'm an Australian living in America, but I'm not a citizen of this country so I can not vote. I won't say that President Trump is the best man for the job, but I absolutely prefer him over Mrs Clinton. I want America to work with Russia, not against her and clearly this would never have happened under a Mrs Clinton administration. If I remember correctly, she was in favour of establishing a No Fly Zone over Syria, which would've resulted in the American military attempting to shoot down Russian aircraft, because I doubt Russia would abide by their No Fly Zone, they were invited into Syria by the legitimate government after all.

    In the beginning I was behind Mr Sanders but I kept thinking to myself that he would always face opposition from the Republicans and most likely some Democrats due to his socialist views. I agree with Jeod when he said that Mr Sanders would be a 'lame duck'. And then there's this:





  8. Good to know. If blue is chosen then I'll just have to make a green skin for it. 

    Speaking of skins, I haven't used Photoshop in like 10 years. What's the name of the tool that lets you edit a specific colour? I used to use this tool to make all of Nod's red blue and no matter where I applied it, it would only change the red colour. 

  9. This is regarding GDI's computer screen theme. Will it be changed from blue to green to better represent GDI during Tiberian Sun? Blue seems too Tiberium Wars-ish to me and a few others.

    This is what I posted in the August update but I never got a response, seeing that this topic has some attention I'll ask in here. :)



    From ModDB:

    "Sounds great!

    Maybe GDI should have a greenish color scheme for their purchase terminals instead of blue considering the E.V.A. interface as it is portrayed in Tiberian Dawn and Tiberian Sun. A blue interface screams EA and Tiberium Wars to me. And that's all wrong.
    I know it's compelling with Red versus Blue but G.D.I:s color is Gold and their interface is green.
    e: Also, it would be cool if you could differentiate Nods and GDI:s interfaces so that Nod:s is more CABAL and GDI:s EVA if you understand what I mean. In the picture above they are both the same only the color differs." - ApornasPlanet
    I couldn't agree more with this post. When I think of GDI during Tiberian Sun, I see the themes and colors seen in the images below.



    When I see the blue, it reminds me of Tiberium Wars, the game that ruined the story for me completely (opinion), not Tiberian Sun. I just thought I'd share this feedback here too.



    Edit: I just noticed that I typed the GDI acronym and when you hover over it on the forum it tells you what it stands for. That's awesome! Whoever thought of that is awesome.

  10. Who here used to play GoldenEye 007 on the Nintendo 64 all those years ago? Want to have a nostalgia overdose? Then you should check out GoldenEye: Source! It's an awesome total-conversion for Half-Life 2 and it's a lot of fun to play. Seeing all of those old levels remade with better graphics and layouts that make more sense is truly a treat. Check out the link below to read up on it more.


    They even have 'classic' themed levels where it looks exactly the same as it did on the Nintendo 64, which really delivers a shot of nostalgia. I've been playing this for a while now and I'm still not bored of it.

    I hope one day they do a Perfect Dark Source total-conversion, because to tell the truth, I enjoyed Perfect Dark more than GoldenEye 007 when I was younger. :p

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