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Posts posted by NodGuy

  1. 13 minutes ago, Pushwall said:

    So... do a thing that you were specifically watching out for anyway, and unlike the other things, its entire chance of success rides on not being noticed. Sounds like that just would have failed. Yes but you didn't know that we were waiting for said spy.

    The base of the coil is behind a wall in a place that's pretty impossible for arties to hit while the wall is up, and by the time we knock said wall down, we'd be even further behind in points and/or a V2 would have appeared and sniped the artillery. Destroy the wall in a few arty shots. You had 30 minutes.

    Also seems I was right on the money with regards to the entire strategy you employed, I just reviewed the chatlog and found this 10 minutes into the match.

    Not even near the end of the match where it's typically employed due to the difficulty of either team forming an effective rush in time - but 10 minutes in. Like you know there's absolutely nothing the Allies can do to turn the game around in the next 20 minutes... Yes, I said that because the Allied team was filled with more active and veteran players compared to the Soviets. I knew we'd never take the Allied base, thus I planned with them to defend. This could happen on any map and it worked for us here. If the same happened on KotG or Ridge War would there be any complaints?


  2. 5 hours ago, Pushwall said:

    You seemed pretty adamant before that it had nothing to do with the economy...

    It didn't, really, as most of us never lost anything expensive. The only ones who drained their money were the two engineers, but we donated here and there. I just thought the ore trucks were worth mentioning. Our defence was pretty solid, we even had a sniper in a valuable position telling us when to expect rushes, what type of rushes, and where they would most likely be coming from.

    Regarding everything else, I'm no base layout/map design expert so I really can't comment. However you could've tried getting a spy into the power plant to disable our power before attacking the coil. That's one thing I told my team to expect but as far as I know was never was attempted. You could've had a Tanya + engineer use a chinook to attack the power plant while the longbows attacked the refinery. Maybe tried having Totd get out of the cannon and into the artillery to bomb the base of the coil to harass engineers and technicians while the tanks attacked the coil? I don't know if any of that would've worked but it would have been something different. The only rushes the Allies attempted were chinook, longbows, or tanks with the cannon shooting our base.

  3. In-game if you type !help you'll find a list of commands and !tagme is one of them, but if you try to use it you get the following error: "[APB] You are not allowed to use this command." Please make it so we can tag ourselves. If we can pick our name and create a setjoin, we should be able to tag ourselves. Plus, this would mean we wouldn't have to hassle mods in-game for this.

  4. 3 hours ago, des1206 said:

    We should do a poll, maybe it was just those who thought it was OP were extra vocal. Ridiculous unit? Yes. OP? maybe a little. Strategic and fun to use? YES! 

    So we can keep a ridiculous and overpowered unit just because it's "strategic" and fun? Pass. I believe Pushwall has done the right thing, the game has been more enjoyable when playing the Allies now because our defenses and sometimes buildings aren't being wiped by a squad of grenadiers that are impossible to locate unless you already know the good spots to use the unit from. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Raap said:

    C&C3/KW was, in hindsight, the only decent RTS produced by EA post-Generals. Besides, that image was there since Chop made the house, it's not new. :)

    Gameplay wise, sure. 

    Yeah I only recently entered the house. I like how big and underground it is. Does the image of Kane mean those orange brother guys are loyal to Nod? :p

  6. 8 hours ago, devilslayersbane said:

    Ultimately my suggestion is to see if there isn't a way to get the bot to balance the teams without making those players start all over from scratch or interrupting a current attack. E.g. you won't be swapped until you die. Then if players return you get swapped back the next time you die (obviously, the latter would make !killme be a bit more abused, but for the most part that's a moot point). It'd also be nice to have some sort of limit on the number of spies. Too many times have I seen a losing soviet team that looks balanced only because of spies. It's very rage inducing.

    If I participated in a successful rush only to be swapped to the other team when I died, I would just leave for that round anyway.

  7. I tend to only "rage quit" when I just feel that I'm doing very badly and I know I won't be coming back to the game for a while. I won't leave a round just to return for the next one, because what's the point? I'd rather earn more points, hopefully get some kills, and reduce my next-rank round requirement by one.

    4 hours ago, Pushwall said:

    toxic players hiding from big matches so that they can instead camp newbies to death in small games to selfishly preserve and build their own KD at the expense of a bunch of newer players deciding to never play the game again because of what they saw in their first experience with the game. Maybe it's time for that to return so the KD whores have less excuse to ragequit or force newbies to ragequit?

    While I'm sure that happens so people can easily boost their KDR stat, I bet they and others would just as well do it to increase their points to gain rank faster. I don't see how removing the KDR stat will fix this issue.

    I think most of those who rage quit do it because they don't want to deal with their team getting absolutely crushed. They don't feel like spawning where the enemies might be and instantly dying. They don't feel like trying to defend against an enemy attack when they have a less experienced team. Etc. etc. Thus they leave and return for the next round. Not only that, but how do we know someone has rage quit unless they state they'e doing so? If they die and leave they could just feel that they're not doing so good and will have a go later on.

    I think trying to punish them is wrong because it's their mind set to leave when losing that badly and implementing punishments will not change that, in fact it would most likely just push them away from the game. I mean, if them rage quitting is a habit then why would they want to return for the next round with no starting credits or negative score (yes, I know this wasn't your suggestion)? The only thing I would support is if that you're not in the game when the round ends then any points you accumulated do not count. However I'm not sure if this is possible for this game and yes, it would suck for those who crash and cannot rejoin in time but I would assume it's rare to crash right before the round ends.

  8. 7 minutes ago, AZ-Stalker said:

    I think we have some of the things in the tutorial section covering such things too, so you can rummage around in there for extra references. I'm sure Moonsense put in some stuff about .dds files.

    I took a look around in there but didn't see anything, maybe I didn't look hard enough.

    Thanks for the information, ChopBam and Raap.

  9. When I open a .dds file and change the texture, how am I suppose to save it? I remember from a long time ago that you're meant to save it a certain way but I don't remember how exactly. Who can provide or link to information about skinning and Renegade?


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