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Posts posted by NodGuy

  1. 26 minutes ago, des1206 said:

    Can we really not give breaks to wheeled vehicles? If the V2 can get to a full-stop its secondary might be much easier to use to arch-over obstacles.

    I wish! Being able to press 'Q' to come to a full stop would make my V2 life such easier. Even having the same option for the Artillery would be sweet. 

  2. 3 hours ago, OWA said:

    APB doesn't need a character artist, all the characters are done. :p

    But they could be better. Give the Allied Medic a helmet similar to what the US Army medics wore during WWII, fix the uniforms for the Kapitan and Volkov (their ranks), make the Allied Engineer's shirt look better, etc. I wish I knew how to do this sort of stuff so I could just do it myself. :)

  3. @Einstein Hey, I'm unable to login to the launcher. It was working fine until the recent launcher update. Now when I try to login I'm told that "Your username or password are incorrect." I just re-logged on this website and the same username and passwords works fine.


  4. On 4/18/2017 at 8:41 PM, moonsense715 said:

    The code to insert from the stats page doesn't work anymore because BBCode isn't supported since the forum upgrade. Since the source html editor isn't usable by non-admins, you need to set those up manually. (The image and the link.)

    I've placed the image and the link into your signature.

    Thank you. 

  5. Oh wow. I don't even remember which map it is. I'll fire up the game real quick to refresh my memory.

    Edit: Ah, this map. I want to say that people leave because it's mainly naval and air combat. If the Soviets aren't coordinated then the Allies can decimate them, because Longbows and Rocket Soldier combinations are deadly against Hinds and the submarines, and Gunboats absolutely destroy Missile Submarines. So if the former doesn't cover the Missile Submarines with Attack Submarines and/or Hinds then they're just easy targets. Because of this maybe Soviet players feel that they are unable to achieve victory so they leave? Maybe the Allies leave because they just want to captain Destroyers but have no defense against Attack Submarines, unless covered by allies.

    Or maybe it is solely because there is no War Factory to pump out the vehicles players enjoy?

  6. I'm trying to display my rank image in my signature but when I enter [ url="www.w3dhub.com/ranks/apb/playerstats.php?nombre=NodGuy"][ img]www.w3dhub.com/moonstats/rankimages/rank-APB21.png[ /img][ /url] and try to save it I get the error below:

    Unable to retrieve signature image dimensions for www.w3dhub.com/moonstats/rankimages/rank-APB21.png, please try another image.

    Any idea on how to get this to work? I suppose I can just use the image but then it wouldn't automatically update my stats shown in my signature, which I assume it can do if it would work properly.

    (I added spaces into the text above so it wouldn't try to generate the image.)



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