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Posts posted by NodGuy

  1. Part of me just wants the spy removed, because, as you said, people tend to use the unit to get a few kills which doesn't really help the team. It's even worse when a KDR whore is using the unit so they're more likely to camp and wait, which is a waste of a player spot in my opinion.

    That's how I feel about it anyway. I'm sure someone will come and post the positives of the chameleon spy soon enough, maybe they'll outweigh the negatives?

  2. 17 minutes ago, Mojoman said:

    As for the water thing, I don't really care much either way. If the w3d engine ever gets realistic water then that'll be the dream but that's not going to happen.

    I get that it's mean to be darker and harder for the submarines to see but after about fifteen seconds my eyes start to hurt. It's making me not want to purchase submarines because I don't want such discomfort when evading enemies.

  3. I can't be the only one who thinks this is very uncomfortable to look at?

    game 2017-05-12 13-57-44-473.jpg

    Is it possible to return it to what it was before, where it wasn't so intense?


    Another suggestion: When I was playing Renegade earlier I used !td to donate credits to the team, I liked how it showed this:


    Is it possible to a) make it so just typing !td donates all credits and b) tell us how much the individual gets in addition to how much in total? It's nice to know how much each team mate gets when I donate X amount.

    Thanks for reading.

  4. On 4/2/2017 at 10:26 AM, Raptor29aa said:

    @pushwall what do you think about the wrench getting 5-10 ammo and having to charge up? (It stops jumping around while repairing?)

    Even if it doesn't stop jumping around I still think this is better then how it currently works. Maybe make it have a reload timer between swings too, like 0.5 seconds or something?

  5. 3 minutes ago, harvester said:

    What's a numpad animation again?

    A while ago, in an earlier version of the game, you could press one of the numbers on your numpad to initiate an animation. Salute, Mendoza fighting animation, etc. Most people used them at the War Factory while waiting for the ore truck to dump its load, but others abused it to not take damage when falling off high ledges.

  6. 26 minutes ago, jonwil said:

    These animations will NOT be comming back.

    They would still prevent fall damage and that is something that can't be fixed.

    So stop asking about it.


    Settle down, I was only asking a question that has not been asked on these forums before, i.e., in a very long time. At least it's good to know they'll never be returning, I suppose we can still shoot each other while waiting at the War Factory.

  7. 1 minute ago, SirJustin90 said:

    This is the biggest thing I find as well. The V2 having to constantly adjust.... or jump out then back in to keep it's aim steady is painful to say the least. Not to mention it "slides" more on uneven surfaces than treads seem to.

    Something definitely needs to be done. I'm sick of exiting and entering my V2, even on flat terrain, just to get the aim over the target (usually base defenses). The same goes for the Artillery, which seriously needs its left and right turret pivot feature back.

  8. I would say that it has too much health. Reducing its health and/or armour while increasing its speed seems like the appropriate solution.

    2 minutes ago, des1206 said:

    What about APCs with firing ports for the passengers? :dance:

    *cough* Battle Fortress *cough*

  9. 3 hours ago, thedisclaimitory said:

      WHAT IF LIKE MAYBE 1,000 PLAYERS JOIN w3dhub  the servers would be full nd many servers would have to be created but would w3dhub get money and get more technology and upgrades and speed the production of the games and the release of them like take for instance  AR it's NOT fully developed yet but it's almost done like maybe half or maybe more if it will be released in July this year then we will be happy i not than maybe december if not that than its it 2020 will be the release


  10. 17 minutes ago, Pyryle said:

    I use Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) as an all-purpose recording software. The tradeoff with OBS is that you need to play with the settings a lot if you want to have good quality recordings, and have a pretty good system to boot.

    I also have a YT channel, too. It's primarily muh games channel, and other shenanigans.

    I also have OBS and I love how it records, except a few issues I experience (hotkeyes don't work) but I don't like how it saves the recordings as flv files. They don't work when I try to use another program to open them and I'm unable to use Windows Movie Maker.

    Edit: So I open the settings and I see these options: flv, mp4, mov, mkv, ts, and m3u8. Which of these is best?

  11. In the last image, after I destroyed AZ-Stalker's gunboat with my hind, he took a torpedo, from the submarine under him, to the face and died instantly.

  12. 1 hour ago, Raap said:

    I can't remember street names, but I do remember the entire design of my city.

    I'm the same, lol. I know how to get somewhere but don't you dare ask which streets you need to use in order to get there.



    game 2017-05-09 15-02-55-973.jpg

    game 2017-05-09 15-45-20-886.jpg

    game 2017-05-09 17-54-06-631.jpg

    game 2017-05-09 18-02-41-346.jpg

  13. Anyone know of a good, free recording program that can record a whole match in good quality and not take up a huge amount of HDD space? Some of the best moments I see happen when I'm not recording with Bandicam and it drives me nuts, so I want to record all the time.

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