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Posts posted by NodGuy

  1. 9 hours ago, Testament said:

    Wait, When was Elvis an end boss? :o

    You didn't know about that secret level? Just kidding. I had the Core Defender but then I tired of this monthly theme. But I guess Elvis was the end boss for many Skedar. ;)

  2. 2 hours ago, CMDBob said:

    That's a good idea, and I'll probably end up doing that. It'll be a slight squeeze, but nothing too bad. 

    If possible I suggest using the Mammoth Tank, if not then use the Heavy Tank. Either way it would look very awesome, especially so if you make it "really early-prototype looking" as Ice mentioned above.

  3. 43 minutes ago, SilverShark said:

    The Aftermath of derping around in paint.net.

    In my opinion, Volkov is the one character that seriously needs to be redone. He looks terrible right now. He should look more like this:


    I just wish I could do it myself.

  4. I wish we had a W3D Hub game that played similar to APB but was set during TD. Renegade was fun but I always hated how it looked very different compared to the original C&C game.

    Edit: There, I have a end boss avatar now.

  5. 37 minutes ago, Death_Kitty said:

    I see the thief hath been hit with nerf bat... thanks!

    Th rest of these changes look pretty good. I looked forward to the officer nerf, as they made shotguns look kind of weak

    Great job on the igla model. looks really cool. 

    Best change IMO: BIGGER MAMY. 

    Yes, the bigger MMT excites me. 

  6. 10 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

    Speaking of.


    Bah! Yes, I didn't check behind that damn crate. However the same round I believe I killed another Thief hiding behind the whatever they're called to the right, in the darker area.

    Also, YES! Stole your snipe kill with my V2.

  7. 34 minutes ago, Raap said:

    Every year you guys make this thread.

    Every year you forget to add an actual end boss level to APB.

    This displeases me.

    Edit: Anyone remember that Sole Survivor mod for Renegade from a decade ago, the one with the players-versus-bots map where you had this large room with doors and progressively harder bot waves came out of them with some randomness to them? Top it off with some crazy 'boss' unit, and that could be quite hilarious in APB. It's the same mod that had "defend the AI MCV convoy" as a game mode, it was pretty unique, but never gained the momentum that APB or Reborn did during those days.

    Yeah, I remember that mod. I had a lot of fun playing it. A shame it didn't make it.

  8. The Engineer needs to use the golden wrench (and soon a repair tool will work) to capture the oil derricks on Pipeline. Maybe a similar device could be given to the Thief that they must use on the Silo's terminal, while also giving them the nerf that's coming to jumping and repairing? This way they'll have to be in position in front of the terminal to actually steal the credits, instead of jumping around and returning fire.

  9. 1 minute ago, Ice said:

    Not only this, but some players could even use this to deliberately team-hamper; Purposefully letting the enemy team through and not engaging them, making the otherwise effective defensive structure useless.

    Personally, I'm all for man-able defences in appropriate locations on some maps, but they would need to be a secondary defence by their nature; machine gun nest, anti-tank gun, mortar pit, etc. Essentially, their role would be to harass and slow down the enemy rather than outright stop them, so they would need to be effective enough to be worth using, but not to the point of overshadowing the main defences. Caution would also need to be exercised to not overuse them on maps.

    I think it would be cool if it was unique to a map. Like that old, old infantry map that had just a barracks and a refinery and the ore truck that spawned had to be player operated. More maps like that would be sweet.

  10. 40 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

    Watching the sniper headshots is so satisfying. Maybe refine the parts where you're just sitting and waiting. Or even the mediocre parts where you're missing. Skip to the good stuff! Maybe when you speed up clips you could speed them up even further as people will get the point. These tips will make for a shorter and more concise video that focuses on the great parts. Still, good stuff and I love forg too. :D

    I kept some of the longer sniper clips due to his in chat reaction and then falling down later on, but I guess I can speed those up slightly. I don't speed more than 4x because then sound is lost. I'd either have to put something in or cut the journey, i.e, when in the nook.

  11. 9 hours ago, CMDBob said:

    Yeah, I did think some of the textures were too tiled. I'll probably end up re-texturing and using different, less obviously tiled textures, as well as bumping up the vertex count for the large, flat polygons. I've made a couple of "new" textures that match the colours of the building from the render, and I've remodelled the domes, so they're actual polygon domes.

    The main issue is props, as there's not that many "sciencey" props in APB. Hell, there's not that many props as is. I'll see what I can do, though.

    Put a quick snap of the "renovated" exterior with the new domes. (I still need to subdivide the mesh for better lighting...)

    new outside snip.PNG

    It's beautiful, and it looks like a Nod symbol without the scorpion tail on the roof. :v

  12. 5 hours ago, devilslayersbane said:

    What if we made pillboxes/flame towers have be man-able until destroyed?

    I always wondered if it would be possible for players to enter and use defensive structures, and when they're not being used they are controlled by the game's A.I. The only downside I see would be when a "n00b" enters the structure and due to their "noobness", i.e., missing shots, the enemy succeeds.

  13. With Ridge War I usually get a Hind hovering above the Soviet base to see incoming rushes before they start attacking and it has worked well so far. On KOTG, if you're standing by near the construction yard service depot you can listen to the sound of the coil charging to anticipate where they are. The only issues I have with that map is when arties get on the hill behind the CY and start bombing the coil/radar dome. If you don't have a team working together then it always feels like you're the one that has to leave the base to deal with them, while there's no one else in the base.

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