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Posts posted by NoSoldier

  1. Wouldn't it be possible to just enlarge the projectile? That would even give it a beamy look. Color the projectile red afterwards, and magic engi stuff happens and nothing works anymore. MAGIC. (I do not know anything about Real Virtuality modding^^) I've just noticed that I still have a copy of CWA in my steamlibrary. So yeah, I'll start it up once I find the time :)

  2. Keep in mind that it already took us over 5 minutes to get there. If it would have been a bigger group of players this wouldn't have been possible. In my opinion it's neglectable as it's only doable on this map. It's actually pretty simple to fix.


    Also, I still just love ktrs's reaction.


    Edit: PM'd you about that.

  3. And it's 'Tot or tod' so either you or Totd is on the wrong path. Except it's a combination of both. :D


    Mine is pretty easy actually. After having various nicks at the start of my first lans I got stuck with Call of Duty 4 around it's release. Well... if you didn't change your name it was Soldier. After calling me N.Soldier and having a german flag in my name for a bit of time I got the random thought (well... N.Soldier with a german flag...  Nazisoldier...) So I swapped the dot and an o and NoSoldier was born.


    Just kidding. I love to go on a rampage in a Technician/Ore Truck combination and thus I'm not a regular NoSoldier.


    Sounds good, and a direction level designs should actually take these days. That is side-objectives speciality per-map that makes maps unique, aside from unique terrain design that drags somewhat different gameplay (but that leaves the core game the same).


    I pushed for that direction when I was still with BHP. People mostly disagreed on this approach so it was never done.


    If I had the time, rights, and access, I would have added objectives to some of the existing maps in APB Delta, but unfortunately I got none of those things. Perhaps someone else one day picks the idea up... But for that, we need a larger playerbase.


    Edit: I guess with Siege released (soonish according to Pushwall), my forum title can get changed to not refer only to HostileWaters?  :v



    Maybe you'll find some time? :v . But yeah, it will depend on the playerbase, that's right.

  5. The discussion in germany isn't a real discussion, Kalle :p. As this "first" started there were multiple objections by multiple politicians and intellectuals that were hauled off into the right wing at the start which led to the now happening "discussion" with some politicians themselves having "right-wing" opinions and most people keeping their mouth kind of shut. It's indeed kind of weird. As for myself, I believe that the money used for infrastructure outside of germany is used way too inefficiently which results in the "european dream" that here is everything better. But that's way too broad for a topic to cover in 2 or 3 small sentences.


    As for the (german) bible and quran... The Lutherbible is the evangelist one which I think should be the easiest one to compare. (As I'm from germany myself, I'll post german amazon links :D)




    Or you take the official "school"-bible with influences from the catholics and the evangelists:




    As for the quran itself... phew...




    should be fine. The version of the 80's present in the german amazon may be a cut version.


    But you might actually be better off with the english versions as Einstein said. Here I would recommend the King James - Edition.




    You have FRAYDO and Mackintoke in clan. If that alone doesnt yell "NLF is bunch of scrubs" then idk what does :v


    An elite band of top men.. top, men.


    The only thing I read here is "An elite band of topless men.. topless, men." (And no that is not an indication for my personal preference :v)


    Favorite Admin/Staff/Moderator: phew...

    Funniest User: we all have a sense of humor in ourselves, but I would actually say Silverlight here with his kind of understanding bad jokes.

    Most helpful User: Threve with his "modding" packs

    Biggest Spammer: sammyd ( :aaa:)


    Best APB Player: That's a difficult question as most of us are playing APB since a few years with only a tad difference in skills.

    Tactical Espionage Action: frog0ten1 (forg) -- rampaging in enemy bases with an OT distracting the enemy whilst you did and killed stuff with some other people is something I'll not froget.

    Most likely to Succeed Demo n00b: (Thought about me, Al? :dance:) -- lately there aren't these many. I can't remember at least any.


    I'm in for a "idiot with working plans"-category :v

  7. Hi there,


    some might remember me. I'm NoSoldier or how I'm playing now as Waltsch. I'm around in APB and the other stuff since 2008 since I was 12/13, thus I'm kind of the same as Garrus. (Wanna have an Ore Truck fight again, huh? :D)


    I had pretty fun moments in these games and well...


    what should I say?

    I'm from germany, recently moved and was in the last time kind of in a hiatus (personal probs and stuff) but I'm kind of back everywhere. It's nice to see some really 'veterany' faces here (didn't want to use old).

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