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Posts posted by devilslayersbane

  1. Ahh, Gmod. So, for the unfamiliar, Gmod runs on the Half Life 2 engine (or Source Engine). While it is definitely a technically superior engine to W3D, W3D is already set up for what we need it to do. That being said, the Gmod version of this APB would also be fun, though the C&C Game mode has to be scripted into the game.

  2. I know that not everyone will like this idea, but maybe adding air to Coastal Influence will help. Here's why I think that:


    1) on maps like Seamist, and Ridge war, the best way to counter an Arty/V2 rush is to throw a few attack choppers. A few hinds could easily take down a large number of Artillery, and whilst V2's are superior to self-defense against air, only a direct hit will give you a 1 hit kill.

    2) The map would not need to change much. There's no special objective to defend and the map is small enough see any large air rushes and react, and you'd only really need 2-3 AA emplacements for each side to deter them autonomously, plus this would remove the need for a long laddered path in the lighthouse because the Soviets have the chinook.

    3) I've always felt like this map was missing something (I mean, since I've played it. I didn't get to play it pre-gamma so....) but I feel like it would be a good change to the map and provide for a map with a full arsenal on both sides.

    4) It would deal with any over-use of Missle Sub/Destroyer Spam. Again, this is similar to the Arty/V2 argument, though the choppers are less effective at this due to the nature of the naval units.

  3. Your phone and computer's file systems may not be entirely compatible. If your phone doesn't have the ability to allow it to be accessed by the FAT (for pre-Windows NT systems) or NTFS (for post-Windows NT systems) you will have continued difficulty trying to install music from one to the other. If you have a smart phone, try using a cloud service such as OneDrive or Google Drive and download the music from your computer to your phone from there. You should be able to manage whether or not the music installs to your SD card.

  4. Maybe the scripts guys should have a look at the charging code. I just feel like the complaints about the delay could be resolved with a mix of the charge up and C4 logic so that the grenade can be cooked. And while grenades are fairly consistent in their cook times, we are talking about the soviet union here.

  5. I think what would really be a good thing for the grenadier now, is the ability to cook grenades. Granted, thats script-work on C4 logic. I'm not sure how that'd turn out. It'd be nice to define a grenade specific logic that is similar to but not entirely like the C4 logic.

    There weren't any charging weapons in renegade was there?

  6. It's raw footage essentially. Sure, you can post a raw-footage vid on youtube, but it loses something in it's lack of live-ness. Essentially, what's the appeal of watching a live speech as opposed to a news story about it. Sure, they might post the whole speech, or they might only post what they want you to see.

  7. Does the random spread on the machine guns mean that rifle soldiers have an advantage over captains at longer ranges?

    This CAN be true. A running soldier is going to have an accuracy advantage over a running captain. However, the Captains have a range advantage, a RPM advantage, a magazine size advantage, and I believe a damage advantage.

  8. I agree, the MP5 is amazing in CQC. The grenadier, not so much. Doesn't need to be. The whole point of grenades is to remove enemies in entrenched positions or in RAspeak: Blow up buildings and defenses because enemies hardly ever stand still long enough to blow them up.

  9. MPRA2 what card are you running? I have a 970 SSC and I run it at a fine 60fps. Also, I'm almost done with the NSDF campaign, I keep dying when trying to destroy the fury transport. I haven't tried playing the soviet campaign yet. I've only experienced a low framerate while hosting an MPI map that had a shit ton of friendly AI on it (my sound cut out on that map as well, too many sound sources I guess). As for DM, I'm enjoying the Achilles 500 map on the workshop, though I have yet to host the Achilles' Golem Derby.

  10. Yes. A lot, actually. The AI is really intelligent, throwing smoke and looking for cover (though the direction the smoke and cover is in aren't always the smartest). In CQB, if you catch an AI sprinting and all you have is a pistol, you're leading every shot unless they're less than 10m away from you.


    With other weapons you need to compensate for the projectile's travel time by aiming where you think the enemy's going to be when the bullet reaches their location, which makes things more complicated especially if the weapon's rate of fire or projectile velocity are very low (such as the rocket launchers).



    As someone who has played arma 3 for 2,222 hours (which is a game whose combat revolves entirely on learning your weapon to lead your shot), hitscan pistols and I don't mix. I'm not asking you to change it, but that's just my input on the matter.


    What most people think about modding and "scripting" with this engine is wrong, especially when it comes to recent iterations ("scripts 5.0"). Yeah, there's probably a feature where a button press will play an animation (on what?) in a networked game. Some people use it. It's far from the actual animation system capabilities, it's an old "script" using a hacky interface put in place about a decade ago. Before we, you know, added a decade's worth of code and all the man-years of previous thought in the designs we cloned. Like all the one the ones required for defining the concept of a "script" in the first place, the input system to detect that button press, the netcode to send it to the server and synchronize clients, and the animation system to actually play it by sampling animation curves and feeding the also cloned/rewritten/rewritten again/and again rendering engine. All of these with many of our original hacks in place for backwards compatibility with ourselves and some other closed source projects and shared between a huge number of mods. Things are "laggy" because too much gameplay is written literally in scripts.dll in "script" form which is all server side scripting. Things are "ugly" because the tools suck and can't feed the engine better data, and I'm working as fast as I can to make better ones. I wish people would/could help, but they usually don't so I prioritize whatever I feel like doing. Taking a break from thinking about VR systems (which is part of my day job) and working on a simple 3D engine is supposed to be relaxing.

    Listen, I didn't mean any offense from my earlier comment. However, while I don't have an in-depth knowledge of W3D's animation system, I also understand that very few things are dynamic in it and certain things won't work. However, my point was that there was an animation for everything available to do in the game. It's not dynamic. It can't adapt outside of it's boundaries. With Steam VR, the only way you're getting more than a glorified head-tracking system is with those hand controls. That requires an animation system that can track and control the position of the hands. That's not to say that it isn't possible, but I doubt it could be done overnight. Again, I don't doubt your coding skills. I doubt that the time needed to do this isn't worth the effort. Especially when VR sets are so expensive. Also, I never said things were ugly or laggy. Sure I encounter occasional rubber-banding and latency issues, no the rendering doesn't have the newest lighting effects. At the end of the day, I don't care. I just want to play a damn good game. APB is a damn good game without VR. It doesn't need it, and it isn't worth it. That's what I am saying.

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